Chapter 24: Looking Back

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Who was that? Kyle turned around in the darkness that surrounded him, "Who's out there?!"

He then heard footsteps, he turned around again, trying to find whoever was with him wherever they were. "Kyle."

He turned once again and saw a figure walking up to him, his body tensed up as he watched the figure walk closer, but when he was only a few feet away he saw his face, and it was one he would have never expected.

"Morgan Freemen?"

"Hello, Kyle."

The redheaded teen blinked at the man, he was so confused, "Where are we? Why am I here? Why are you here?"

"You were in an accident Kyle, and we are currently in your subconscious."

A look of confusion washed over his face before it morphed into realization, only to turn back into confusion as he looked up at the man, "So why are you here?"

"Anytime I explain anything complicated, I earn another freckle."

The redhead blinked again, still very confused about the presence of the man before him. "I take it you're new to South Park, well I'll let you know that this is a rather common occurrence in this town."

So South Park really was weird, guess Stan and the others weren't lying when they said a lot of strange stuff happens around here. "Okay so I'm here in my subconscious, with you, but why are we here then, wouldn't I just be sleeping like a normal person if I was knocked out?"

"That tends to vary, but for you, you are going on a trip down memory lane."


"We're going to go through your memories, Kyle."

Kyle's body was stiff, he didn't want to, "Why, what's that going to do?"

"Who knows." He then turned away from the teen and the blackness that surrounded them changed, it faded into a small house's living room. Recognition filled Kyle's eyes, "The house from Ohio..."

There were then the sounds of a slamming door. The teen looked over at the opening to the kitchen and there he saw himself, well his younger, twelve-year-old self. He was storming towards the stairs and he saw his mother right behind him with a furious look in her eye. He knew what this was, he knew this day, and had happened, and what was going to happen.

He had gotten into another fight at school and was suspended for the rest of the week, he didn't remember why he got into that fight, the other kid must've just pissed him off for one reason or another, but he knew there was an argument but he didn't remember what was yelled, not really, however, he expected to hear his mother's shrill yell, but when she opened her mouth but anything she said sounded like she was screaming underwater, he couldn't make anything out. He tilted his head in slight confusion as both his mother and his younger self were yelling at one another but he couldn't understand any of it. "You don't remember what was said, that's why you can't understand them."

He guessed that it'd make sense, but yeah, he didn't know the words, but he knew it had to do with his behavior and how it wasn't acceptable or something. "Why bring me to this day?"

Morgan looked over at the teen who had a despairing look in his eye, "I believe you know why."

The young Kyle's garble of words screeched as he then turned and ran up the stairs, the teen frowned but followed up the stairs, there was some nostalgia looking back in this old house, but he couldn't stand and dwell, as he walked past his old bedroom door and down to the small door at the end of the hall, it led up to the attic.

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