Chapter 11: You Can Thank Me

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This is a short chap, sorry if you were wanting a longer one!


"Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski, please come up to the councilor's office."

Kylie-B's eyes quirked in confusion, what did he and Stan do? He hadn't been any fights, and today wasn't one of his meetings with Mr. Macky, was he in trouble? If so, then over what? What did Stan have to do with anything?

With a sigh, he packed his bag and left his Chemistry class with no fanfare, near the door he saw Stan walking up to the door with a tired and irritated look in his eyes. "What the hell did you do?"

The redhead rolled his eyes and replied, "I didn't do shit. I'm just as in the dark as you."

The raven let out an annoyed sigh, "Fine...let's just get this over with."

Kylie-B knocked on the door and heard a muffled 'come in'. The two teens glanced at each other before opening the door and walking in, there they saw Mr. Macky, Vice principle Strong Woman, PC Principal, and Mr. Garrison in the room crowded next to the desk staring at them in silence till one of them spoke, "Hello boys, glad you could make it have a seat."

The two teens glanced at each other again before stepping in and closing the door behind them, they took seats in front of the desk and Stan asked, "Are we in trouble or something?"

"No, of course not, we just want to congratulate you two."

A look of confusion crossed the two teen's faces, Kylie-B asked, "For what?"

PC Principal raised a brow and turned to look at the balding teacher, "You didn't tell them, Mr. Garrison?"

"I don't like having to talk to the students anymore then I have too."

Strong Woman sighed and rolled her eyes, but straightened up and explained, "Well, Mr. Garrison submitted a report that you two did a while back into a contest, finding it to be one of the best, and it made it to the finals, and we just wanted to congratulate you, boys, on a job well done."

Stan gave them a blank look while Kylie-B's eyes were narrowed in thought till they lit up with realization, "Wait, the one on Egypt Mythology?"

"Ding ding ding, give the idiots a prize," Garrison said with heavy sarcasm.

"Mr. Garrison!"

Said teacher rolled his eyes but didn't respond, instead let the conversation continue, "Yes that one, and because it went so far you boys will have more opportunities at scholarships next year."

The two teen's eyes widen, "Really?"

"Yup, and that's all we really wanted to say."

Stan's eyes narrowed a bit, "You pulled us out of classes just to tell us this when you could've like sent us an e-mail, or told us at any other time?"

"That's uh, is pretty much it yeah," Mr. Macky answered, not having said anything before now.

The school bell then rang, signaling students to go to their next class.


At the end of the day.

Stan sighed and rested his eyes as he leaned his head against the brick wall behind the school, he hated this fucking school so much. "Somethin' wrong?"

He peaked his eyes open and saw Kylie-B standing next to him with an unreadable look on his face and his bike helmet in his arm, he let out another breath as he muttered, "I got a test that I'm going to fucking fail tomorrow...other then that same shit different day."

"What's the subject?"


He heard the redhead let out a chortle, "Really? That shit's easy."

Stan clenched his hands into a fist, "Whatever..."

Kylie-B stopped when he saw Stan's body go rigid, okay that was sorta a dick move. Letting out a breath he placed a hand on the goth's shoulder, who stiffened more at the contact and turned to face him, "Look, how about I help ya study for it."

The raven's brown eyes glared at the redhead, "Why? What the hell do you get out of it?"

"Nothin', but you need help, so here I am offering."

Stan bit back a growl, this could be his chance at actually making a decent grade in that class and barley passing, and Kylie-B's report was able to pretty much win a contest like thing, what did he have to lose. "Ugh, fine, not like I have other options."

"Alright, so your place?"

The goth shrugged, "Sure, mom should be at work and Randy should be in the fields..."

"Good, so no distractions, let's go."

Kylie-B let go of Stan's shoulder and walked ahead, Stan following after towards the redhead's bike. He watched at the other sit on his bike before pausing, "Wait, you don't got your helmet."


"Dude that's dangerous."

Stan rolled his eyes, "Maybe I'll die and won't have to take that test."

The redhead sighed, "Dude no."

He stood back up and handed his helmet to the goth, "Here, you can borrow it."


"Take it."

"I said no."

"I'll make you wear it!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

"Do you really want to test that?"

Stan narrowed his eyes at the redhead before giving in, he knew that Kylie-B didn't fuck around and would find some way to get him to wear it, "Fine," he took the helmet and put it on, which caused a hint of a smirk to stretch across the redhead's face. "Shut up."

"I didn't say nothin', come on."

With a sigh, Stan climbed after Kylie-B on to the bike, and off they went.


At the farm.

Stan and Kylie-B walked up the stairs to the goth's bedroom and closed the door behind them, the raven let out a sigh of relief, his parents were still out. Looking over at his bed he saw his dog sleeping on his bed, pulling a small smile on his face. "Hey Sparky," he walked over and petted the aging dog between his ears.

"This is your dog?"

"Yeah...had him since I was eight."

He heard Kylie-B walk over to the bed and stand on the other side of the sleeping dog, "Wow," he looked down at the animal then noticed he was wearing a pink scarf, "I would've expected a black instead of pink."

"He picked it's a long story."

Kylie-B blinked, "It's a long story of your dog picking a pink scarf?"

"Considering it involves Big Gay Al and a boat full of Gay animals."

The redhead slowly blinked at the other teen, "What?"

"Like I said, long story."

Kylie-B sighed and slowly ran his fingers through Sparky's coarse fur, it was still pretty soft for an old dog, but in his opinion, nothing could beat Beast's fur, but it'd be better not to question what Stan said, this town did not make a lick of fucking sense anyway. After a few moments of just petting the dog, the redhead stopped and pulled away. "Even though I'd like to pet a dog all day, we should get started on your math."


Sorry if it is clunky, I just had a few little ideas and they wouldn't have held chapters on their own so I combined them, hopefully, it flows well. Tell me what you think!

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