Chapter 26: Why didn't you tell me?

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So I'm not dead, and I don't have a good enough excuse. Enjoy.


Kyle frowned as he dug around the couch cushions, where was it?

He stood up and sighed and went upstairs, maybe Ike had seen it. The redhead was trying to find his lighter, but it wasn't where he last had it, he could've sworn he laid it on his desk, but when he went to gather his things it was gone, so he's been looking everywhere for it. He needed to head out as he was going to meet Stan up in town and head to the movies or something, this town didn't have a lot to do and it was still cold so nothing to be done outside, so they couldn't just ride around aimlessly as he'd prefer.

He made it up the stairs and knocked on Ike's door, "Ike have ya seen my lighter?"

He then heard a crash on the other side of the door, "Ike?"

Worry crept into his chest when his brother didn't answer right away, "Ike you okay?!"

He then heard a swear on the other side of the door, starting to panic he grabbed the knob only to find it locked, "Ike!"

"Hold on!"

Kyle let out a bit of a breath that he didn't know he was holding when he heard the dook unlock and Ike open the door, but what he saw shocked him a bit, his little brother had dark circles under his eyes like he had not had a decent sleep in days if not weeks. When was the last time he spent time with Ike again?

He knew that he has been spending a lot of time with Stan as of late, and he started to see a therapist due to a doctor's order for twice a week about two weeks ago, and he's been trying to catch up with his missed school work thanks to having to be out for a week after being in and getting out of the hospital. Also, Ike had gotten busy with the school play that he's a part of and spending time with Firkle who was forced to join the drama class, even though Ike refuses to tell him anything about the play saying how he wanted it to be a surprise. So both of them have been rather busy.

"Ike, you okay?"

The younger brother nodded, "Yeah just knocked some stuff over."

"Okay, have you seen my lighter?"

Ike's blue eyes glanced down at the floor before saying, "Yeah sorry I borrowed it."

Kyle raised a brow, "You better not be smoking."

Ike shook his head, "No just had to use it for school. I'll go get it," he walked away from the door, allowing Kyle to follow, the redhead glanced around and noticed that it looked rather messy for Ike as he tends to have a fairly organized room for a teen, but clothes were thrown everywhere along with papers and books, then again he's been busy so it can be understandable. His sea-green eyes trailed back over to his brother who was at his desk moving some papers around only to pick up the half-full lighter. Only for something to catch his attention.

Since when did Ike wear long sleeves? Sure he wore them outside in the winter because of the cold, but he tended to wear short-sleeves at home, he frowned, but when he saw Ike pick up the lighter his sleeve slid up a bit, and on his barely exposed wrist were bright red angry marks.

They looked like burns. Fresh burns.

Ike turned around and handed him the lighter, but Kyle couldn't take his eyes off his little brother's wrist. This caused the younger of the two to freeze when he followed Kyle's gaze, he quickly dropped the lighter and pulled his sleeve down, but it was too late.


Said teen dashed around the other, only to have his arm grabbed, causing him to hiss as pain shot through his arm. Kyle didn't let go but he heavily loosed his grip as Ike didn't try and tear his arm out of his hold, "Ike. Show me your arms."

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