Chapter 20: What Are We?

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A loud banging noise caused his sea-green eyes to slowly open as he was forced to wake up, he heard a voice, Token's he thought, yelled, "Get up, dressed, and help clean!"

He groaned as he tried to bury his face back into the pillow only to feel something move in his arms, looking down he saw Stan wrapped up in his arms moving. He watched as the raven opened his eyes tiredly and looked up at him, only for them to go wide as his face flushed into a bright pink before he attempted to squirm out of the other's grip, and failed miserably.

Kylie-B couldn't help but smile as he said, "Mornin' to you too," and he unwrapped his arms and allowed Stan to scoot away to the edge of the bed. He sat at the edge with his eyes darting around before landing on himself and he let out a groan, "Did we fuck?"

The redhead's smile turned into a smirk as he answered, "Yup, and I must say, you ain't bad."

Stan's blush intensified as he looked away but he didn't say anything as he stood and started to gather his discarded clothes. "We need to get dressed."

Kylie-B sighed, "Yeah, Token said something that we had to help clean or some shit?"

"Those are Token's ground rules, you stay the night at one of his parties, you have to help clean up."

"That makes sense," he sighed as he stood, stretching his back till he heard a satisfying pop, his eyes scanned the floor for his clothes, and he started to put them on as he found them, but his eyes trailed back over to Stan, the last words he heard last night before passing out, 'I love you.'

He let out a sigh, he knew alcohol can make people do or say crazy things, but he also knows that people don't filter and can often enough speak truths, so Stan really felt that way? Reviewing his thoughts and emotions, he'd have to say that he does feel the same. So did Stan remember?

"Hey, ya remember what ya said last night?"

Stan shrugged as he slipped his pants on, and glancing around for his shirt, "I don't know."

"Ya said that ya loved me."

Stan froze and stuttered, "F-forget that..."

So he did then. Kylie-B walked over to the slightly shorter teen and wrapped his arms around his bare chest, "Would you say that knowing that I feel the same?"

Stan's breath stuttered at the contact and at the other's words.

"And if ya want, we can try it out, us I mean."

"Why with me?"

"I like ya, ain't that enough? Besides, why would ya like a guy like me?"

He felt Stan's shoulder shrug in response, "Love doesn't make sense, but I feel like we can make it work, but only if ya want?"

A nod. "Alright."

"So then that makes us datin' then?"

"I guess."

Kylie-B grinned. He was about to pull away when he saw a mark on Stan's shoulder that was not a hickey. His eyes followed it and it was a scar, a big one that seemed to take up much of the goth's back, he couldn't help himself as he traced the mark, causing Stan to squeak in response and pull away. "What are you doing?"

"What happened to your back?"

Brown eyes blinked before they filled with recognition, "Oh that? My sister ran me over with the lawnmower."

The room then filled with stunned silence before the redhead shouted, "Your sister did what?!"

Stan shrugged, "Yeah, she's also set me on fire, pushed me down the stair, beat me up I don't know how many times."

"What the living hell?"

"I mean, that was all the shit she did to me when I was little, I mean hell I was shot before."


Kylie-B's eyes racked over Stan's body and took note of the many scars that littered his body, and there he saw a small circular scar in his shoulder, a bullet wound.


"School shooting."

Kylie-B stared at his now boyfriend and sighed, "I hate this damn town..."

"You're not the only one."

The two then heard another shout from Token, "Hurry up!"

Stan sighed as he picked up his shirt and started to slip it on, "Yeah we should, don't wanna get on Token's bad side after a party, especially when you stayed the night."

"Why's that?"

"He set up rules in I think middle school, when he has a party, especially when his parents are out of town, and you stay the night, you have to help with the next day clean up."

"Huh, that ain't a bad system."

"Yeah, so we should get a move on."

Kylie-B nodded and did so, finding the rest of his clothes and putting them on along with Stan before finishing up, he unlocked the door and they went down the stairs. There they went to the kitchen where they saw other hungover teens nursing on cups full of coffee or water. Stan picked up one of the unattended fresh cups and took a drink, Kylie-B did the same but with water. The redhead recognized many of the kids from school but didn't know a lot of their names, but he did know recognize Craig, Tweek, Clyde, and Kenny.

Not long later, Token walked in with trash bags and cleaning supplies, his girlfriend right next to him holding supplies as well. "Alright, finish your drinks, and let's get started."

Kylie-B didn't mind having to clean, after all, he was a guest who stayed the night, it should be common courtesy to clean up, even though this never crossed his mind once from his previous years and many parties he had attended. However, he did get some enjoyment from this party, more so than the last few he had, but maybe it was because he got himself an adorable goth of a boyfriend out of it.

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