Movie Night

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Stan sat at the end of the couch with his elbow on the arm of the couch and his cheek resting in his palm as the movie in front of him and many of his classmates watched the current movie that was playing. Why was this guy a carrot and why did Kenny pick this one? He rolled his eyes at a vegetable joke that made a few people around him laugh.

It's been weeks since the 'almost getting thrown into a hole for a cult sacrifice' incident happened and things have been getting better. Many people have been convicted of crimes from the cult, mainly murder, and were being sent away for a long time. Now one would think it's because the police care, right?

Nope! The main reason why they cracked down so hard was that a couple of cops were also killed, they only put more of a fight and put their foot down on many appeals because some of their own were killed. It was annoying but Stan didn't expect better. Clyde's dad was one of the many that were convicted, along with both of Butters' parents (good fuckin' riddance), and many of the faceless people he didn't recognize. He was doing a lot better himself, he wasn't a fan of being by himself for longer than 20-30 minutes, but he wasn't a wreck who couldn't let go of his boyfriend like he was during most of the spring break.

It's already been several weeks and they all had just finished their last day of school. Not much happened during the time in between other than the school play Ike and Firkle were in, but Stan will take the calm over the unpredictable nature that was South Park, Colorado.

Red apologized to him the other day, she was avoiding him for weeks, but she finally came up and apologized to him. She explained the reason why she abducted him was because of Cartman's manipulations but she says that it shouldn't excuse the fact she hurt and attacked him with no evidence. The bastard lied to her, saying that Stan had something to do with Heidi's disappearance and she believed him. She's smarter than that, and yet she fell for it, despite knowing Cartman's history of lies and crimes. Stan wasn't sure, but he had a feeling that Red may have been in love with Heidi, which was why she went to some extreme measures, but he couldn't be sure.

She also apologized to Kyle, she didn't explain other than what she did to Stan, but there was a gut feeling she did something else to his boyfriend, but again, he could say.

He was glad this school year was over and he had one more left. Although one of his friends wouldn't be there, considering Michael was now graduated, he was planning on attending community college for writing. They had this summer left to hang out before he'd get swamped with that work, but he wasn't moving out of South Park yet. Not till Pete graduated.

Stan rested his eyes for a moment as he tried to ignore the lame jokes the movie spouted but still made money somehow. He was starting to get a headache.

He opened his eyes and looked over at Kyle who sat on another couch adjacent to his, sitting by Bebe and Wendyl as they chatted quietly with one another. He sighed and just continued to stare at his boyfriend, he was much nicer to look at than what was on the screen everyone else was watching. Soon enough Kyle glanced over and their eyes met, Stan, not even phased that he was caught staring, waved at the redhead, who gave him a wink in return.

Kyle stood up and walked away, but motioned for Stan to follow. The goth seeing any excuse to leave the shit movie that was playing took the chance and followed the taller teen who led him outside through the backdoor. Stan closed the door behind him, the mountain air still having a bit of a bite to it but nowhere near as bad as it is in the winter. "So what's up?"

The redhead smirked as he walked over to the above-ground hot tub that sat on the porch, "You looked bored, so wanna take a dip?"

Stan looked at the hot tub and watched as Kyle was working on opening the top, he shrugged, as long as they don't make a mess or break it Tolkien shouldn't have a problem with it. "Sure."

The taller teen easily took the top off and quickly stripped himself of his shirt, pants, socks, and boots. Leaving him in nothing but his boxers as he turned on the bubbles and lights. Stan followed suit, stripping down to his boxers and they both slid in. Sighing at the hot, bubbling water against their skin. "That movie was shit."

Earning a laugh from the redhead, "Yeah it was trash, wasn't that Kenny's pick?"

Stan rolled his eyes as he sunk down to his neck in the water, "Yeah but he's always had shit taste in movies."


"Eh, more like he'd like and watch anything that he could. It was like that when we were kids too."

"Oh, did ya hear how Ken almost has full custody of Karen?"

"That fast?"

Kyle nodded, "Yeah, glad for him, and glad how this shithole town's systems are loose around this type of shit, he's not even 18 right?"

"Nope, at least Karen's out of their parent's house, and Clyde's helping out."

"Yeah, they're a cute couple honestly."

Stan snorted a bit, "Can't believe the man actually learned some commitment."

"Love has a way."

Stan glanced at the other, Kyle's eyes looking into the night sky with a faint smile. It must have been contagious as the goth found himself smiling. He scooted over closer to the other, their hands brushed against each other before they leaned closer to have their shoulders touched.

Crickets could be heard, filling the silent night air with chirps as the stars could be seen sparkling in the vast darkness of the night sky. "Ya know, I never got to have a nice view like this in any of the towns I lived in before."


Kyle shrugged, "We tended to live in city areas, with too much light to see the stars. Heh, guess there is something good that came out of coming here?"

"What, stars?"

"Hehe, sure, but," he turned to face the goth, his eyeliner smudging from the heat of the tub, "I got to meet you."

Stan's face heat up a bit, but he'd deny it and say it was from the hot tub, but he smiled as he shifted and settled himself in Kyle's lap. He leaned forward and rested his head on Kyle's shoulder, "You're such a sap."

Kyle chuckled, "Yeah, maybe."

He gently pushed Stan away, making the goth confused until his chin was cupped and he was brought forward and their lips met. Stan smiled against Kyle's and pushed back.

At least there was something good that came out of this fucked up town.


The next chapter is the last one, hope you guys are ready.

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