Chapter 18: Don't Jump to Conclusions

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Kylie-B laid in his bed as he read the book in his hands, only to hear his phone ring. He glanced at the screen and saw the contact was Stan before picking it up and going back to the book. "Hey, what's up?"

"Am I a joke to you?"

Kylie-B stopped reading and blinked, "What?"

"Am I a fucking joke to you?!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Was the only reason you hung around me was to get weed off me?" Why did he sound so calm, like the calm his mother gives him before lashing out.

The redhead's eyes widen, that was his original intent, yes, but he stopped himself before he'd do anything because he realized that that was wrong and he didn't want to be that kind of person, not again, but he never told anyone, and his actions never came across that way...right?

"Where the hell did you get that idea?"

He could hear Stan's breathing was becoming uneven as he said, "Stay the hell away from me!" Before he hung up, leaving Kylie-B confused on his bed, with a hard weight pressing down on his chest.


Two days later.

Kylie-B stood outside of Henrietta's house as he waited almost impatiently for her to come down if she does, he bit at his lip and messed with his sleeves till he heard an annoyed voiced, "What do you want?"

His eyes darted up to meet her dark brown ones, "Henrietta you've got to help me fix things with Stan!"

Her eyes narrowed at him, "Why should I, from what I know you screwed up."

Kylie-B's hands reached for his hair as he dug his fingers onto his mess of curls, almost like he was about to pull his hair out, "But I don't know what I did!"

She raised a brow, "Seriously?"

"He said something about using him for weed, but I never did that!"

Henrietta's eyes stared at the redhead who looked distressed about the whole situation as he didn't even seem to bother with his appearance, and he did even with the smallest of reasons, she let out a sigh, she was going soft, "Look, I'll talk to Stan and try and set a meeting between you two tomorrow, so you can talk whatever issues out, alright?"

Kylie-B's eyes stared back at her as he gave a happy sigh of relief, "Thank you," he then wrapped his arms around her, causing her to stiffen, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! You are a Goddess!"

He was then shoved away by the goth who glared at him as she dusted her dress, "Never do that again."

"Right, sorry."

"Now go home, I'll set everything up and text you the meeting place when I'm done."

The redhead gave her a gracious smile, "Thank you."


Next day.

Kylie-B sat at a booth table at the restaurant called 'Raisins', which was just a Hooters knock off, and bit at his fingernail, his sea-green eyes staring out the window as his stomach twisted itself in knots. He winced when he reached the quick of the nail and proceeded to the next, he checked his phone and saw that it was right at the time Henrietta said she'd get Stan to meet him. He bit harder into his nail only to hear someone walk up beside him, he turned and saw Stan standing there, granted he was glaring at him like he just kicked a puppy but he came!


"I want this to be quick," the goth said as he sat down across from the redhead.

Kylie-B winced at the harsh tone but let out a sigh, "Look I don't know who said I was using you for weed, but they're a lying ass bitch."

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