Chapter 35: Camping

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Stan leaned his head on Kyle's shoulder in the back seat of the cramped truck, with his uncle and his uncle's friend sitting in the front. The windows were rolled down since the air conditioner was busted, warm air blowing in their faces as they drove down the road. Kyle's fingers intertwined with Stan's, lightly squeezing every now and then. It has just been over a full day since the incident, and Kyle has not left his sight other than going to the bathroom. What happened to him was terrifying, no one should have to go through that, almost being killed for the sake of a cult with a vague idea of what they were worshiping, it was sick. He's kept constant touch with him, just to let him know that he was there, it was a comfort thing.

During the goths and the others' stay, Stan got a text from his uncle, asking if he wanted to go camping for a couple of days with him and his friend. The goth explained that it was a yearly thing for them, that although he wasn't the biggest fan of the hunting part of the trip, he did like being out in nature. He asked Kyle if he wanted to come and if his Uncle Jimbo was okay with it. Kyle will admit, he's not a fan of camping, but for the sake of Stan's safety and emotional wellbeing, he said he'd go. His boyfriend was really fragile at the moment and he needed to be there for him.

Kyle told his parents that he was going, but didn't hear their response. He's fully distanced himself from them, it's for the best, and didn't really listen to them or what they have to say. Although they didn't really talk to him much either. When he told Ike his younger brother only shrugged and said that he was going to stay at Firkle's place. They headed out this morning, it was disgustingly early when Stan dragged him out of bed to meet his uncle at his truck with their bags.

The plan was that they would arrive in a couple of hours, set up and do whatever, be there for the whole day, the next, and then leave early Tuesday morning. The redhead's eyes drooped closed a bit, tired from being forced awake so early in the morning as he leaned his head against Stan's.


They had arrived and set up camp, Jimbo, and Kyle learned that his friend's name was Ned, would be sharing a tent, and Kyle and Stan would get their own. They were small, but not horrifically cramped, and at least the door zipped shut to keep out bugs. Ned and Jimbo said that they were going to go fishing by the nearby lake, so that left the two boys alone. It was getting to be around noon and Kyle heard a rumbling sound, glancing over at his boyfriend he saw the goth glaring at his stomach before sighing, "I'm going to go get some food."

He started to make his way to the tree line, past their packed bags that held many snacks, "Where are you going, we got food?"

Stan stopped and looked over his shoulder before replying, "There's a berry bush not far from here. Been craving some since we got here."

Kyle moved to stand, "I'll go with you," only to be stopped by Stan's word, "No. It's fine."

The redhead looked at Stan with concern, he was about to say something but was beat by the goth, "I'm not a piece of glass Kyle, I know you're worried, but I'll be fine. Been in these woods several times, nothing has happened."


"I'll be fine for five minutes. Just wait here," Stan then turned back around and stalked off into the forest, leaving Kyle alone at the camp sitting on an overturned log. Five minutes. Sure, he could do that. He tried to distract himself using his phone, but the silence of nature was too loud for him to focus on the game he attempted to play. How many minutes has it been, he glanced at the phone clock—a minute.

He sighed and buried his face in his hands, this was going to take forever. He got up and paced the campsite, checked their packed food, double-checked for supplies, and even checked to make sure that the tents were secured. Surely that had to have been-what do you mean it's only been another two minutes?!

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