Chapter 23: Crash and Burn

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Kylie-B glared at the carpeted floor as his leg bounced in agitation and he bit his jaw, he glanced at his mother, rage swelled in his chest as she continued to scold him, and has been doing so for the past couple of hours. He tuned her out at the start, but that does not mean that he doesn't know what she is talking about, someone, more like an asshole, told his mother about his exes and how he's had sex, his parents knew of a few of his past partners, but they were under the impression that he was still a virgin, how was beyond him. They were going on about how he should've had some self-respect and saved himself, which more than annoyed him, but he didn't interject, he was hoping they'd be done by now and just let it go, and yet his mother was still going on like she knew everything.

"I just can't believe you, Kyle."

They didn't even ask if the allegations were true. He rolled his eyes and spotted, "Well, gee, sorry to be a fuckin' disappointment ma'."

"Don't you have that tone with me, young man!"

He rolled his eyes. Tired of this.

"Gerald say something, maybe he'll listen to you."

"Don't be dragging him into this!" His green eyes flared as he glared daggers at his mother, his father hadn't said a word since he got home, just sitting and watching.

"Well, obviously you aren't going to listen to me!"

He stood up from the couch, "You're just wanting him to agree with you, he has nothing to do with this, hell you have nothing to do with my life and how I want to live it!"

His mother's face turned a bright red and looked like she was about to lose it till his father then said something, "Now Kyle your mother is right."

The teen gritted his teeth as he glared at his father, "Well neither of you have a fuckin' right!"

"We just want what's best for you."

"Oh, that's a real good fuckin' laugh coming from you, Mr. I troll people online and blame my son for my actions!"

Gerald froze, "What are you-?"

"Don't try to fuckin' deny! I heard you and ma on New Years' day when I came home!"

His parents didn't say anything, "Is all I am to you a fuckin' excuse for your piss poor actions, to hide the fact that you're a pretty shitty person?!"

"Kyle that is enough." His mother stated sternly.

"Or what, you're gonna send me to military school, push me off to someone else because you don't wanna deal with your mistake of a child?"


"Well sorry you didn't get the little perfect son you always wanted, maybe if you actually gave a damn, I thought dad did, but to him, I'm just an excuse to him, Ike is the only person in this fuckin' house that cares about me, I don't matter to either of you unless I make you look good! You don't care about anything but you're image!"


"Ya know, maybe things would've been a hell of a lot better for ya if ya just fuckin aborted me at the start, cause hell knows you obviously didn't want me!"

"Kyle I said that is enough!" His mother shouted as she stepped forward and raised her hand up and brought it down. A slapping noise echoed in the room.

The teen stood frozen as his check inflamed in pain, he slowly reached up and brushed his fingers against the aggravated skin, his eyes looked over at his mother who had a shocked look on her face, he felt his eyes well with tears but he didn't feel them, his mother then tried to apologize, but he didn't want to hear it. "You bitch!"

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