Chapter 32: Taken

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Finally! We have arrived at what has been building for a while in the background! It's been a long time coming, hope you enjoy it.


Stan and Kyle sat with the other goths in their usual smoking spot, their classes were in session but they didn't care, it wasn't like they were doing anything important anyway, it was the last class on the last day of school before spring break. Kyle sat on the blanket in between Pete and Stan, with his arm wrapped around his boyfriend's shoulder, who leaned on his. His other hand was occupied with his phone, his sea-green eyes staring at the screen and aimlessly swiping his thumb up on the screen. It was a comfortable silence that surrounded them, with only the light breeze making leaves and other debris shuffle.

His phone buzzed, giving him a notification, [PARTY AT TOKENS 2NITE!!]

The corner of Kyle's lips quirked up a bit, "You guys goin' to the party?"

Micheal shrugged as he took a drag, "Don't know, sounds like a hassle..."

"Could be rumors about that cult that's circulating."

Pete glanced up from his phone for a moment and retorted, "Bunch of posers probably looking for attention."

Kyle just shrugged, "Could be fun, all I'm sayin'."

The curly-haired goth sighed with an eye roll, "Maybe."

Good enough answer for him.

The subject was changed when Henrietta asked, "Hey Pete did you finish that project?"

"Has Stan sucked dick today?"

If Stan was drinking something he would've choked, his face was a bright cherry red, and his eyes wide with embarrassment as he stared at the red goth, "What the fuck Pete?"

Said goth looked up from his phone, "What? We all know it."

Kyle looked up from his phone when Pete made the comment, he stared at the goth with a look of shock, like what even, where did that even come from? The two went back a forth for a moment, not sure if he was supposed to step in, in all the time he's hung out he's not really seen them bicker, but judging by Michael and Henrietta's reactions, which was just them watching calmly, it seemed to be nothing to worry about. It almost looked like a pair of siblings arguing. It was honestly kind of adorable, and seeing the tiny smile on the taller goth's lips added to it. Until the bomb dropped. "Didn't hear you complaining when you sucked my dick last year."

Silence filled the air as Stan's face lit up into a brighter red, "PETE!"

"You did what?"

Kyle looked over at the other two goths present who stared at the two gobsmacked, they didn't know? Like yes, this was news to him as well, but these were Stan's closest friends.

Stan rolled his eyes, trying to act like he wasn't an embarrassed mess, "Whatever, it was last year! It doesn't matter!"

He roughly stood up and out of Kyle's hold, "I'm leaving, bye!"

"Stan?" Kyle tried to reach for the upset raven but he was gone, he frowned a bit and looked at Pete, "What the hell?"

Pete shrugged. What kind of answer was that? Kyle clicked his tongue and said, "Well when are you gonna tell him that you and Michael are datin'?"

The two goths froze, while Henrietta's eyes widen a fraction before glancing at the two and whispering, "That makes sense."

"We're not-!"

Kyle scoffed, "Oh please, you ain't slick, I can still see your hickies from your make-out session in Michael's car this morning!"

No amount of makeup could hide their now blushing faces, he turned to glare at the red goth, "Make it up to him."

The redhead stood once the bell rang, the school day was over. "Later, I'll go find Stan."

And with that, he left the goths, two blushing and one amused by the antics.


Stan leaned against the wall staring at his phone, the party was starting to rile up and Kyle wasn't here yet, why did he even show up early, he only came for Kyle, and maybe to sneak a few drinks. Its been getting better since he stopped and moved from the farm. Life has been getting better, but his mom scheduled an appointment in two weeks to start seeing a therapist. He didn't want to talk to a total stranger, he had his friends he could lean on, but he'll go for his mom's sake. He hasn't told Kyle about it. He knows his boyfriend sees one every once in a while, since his accident, he just doesn't want to deal with him worrying. Despite how much of the tough guy act he shows off, he's really just a worry wort and will fret over the smallest of issues. The thought made him smile, he would never admit it out loud, but he liked it when his boyfriend coddled him on occasion, just a little.

"Did you hear? Heidie's parents have placed a reward for any info on where she is."

Stan perked a bit, he's heard that another student went missing, but Cartman's girlfriend? Despite the fact that he hated her, no matter how much he and Heidi deny it, the bastard would make a big show about it, but he hasn't heard a peep from him. He frowned, another student has gone missing, another student with a connection to Cartman.

"You think it was that cult?"

"I think she got sick of Cartman's shit and ditched town, you know what happened last time she tried to leave him?"

The goth glanced over at the chatting teens and saw one shake their head, "Who knows, better than with him right?" He sighed and walked away, tapping on the phone icon and pressing the first contact, he went to one of the back doors and pressed his phone to his ear, listening to it ring. He pushed the door open to the surprisingly quiet backyard, then again it was still cold out, so makes sense that they'd want to stay in.

The other side picked up, "Hey!"

"Where are you?"

"Just pulled up."

Stan let out a sigh, he's safe. "Well hurry up, I'm in the back-MMRR?!"

A moist cloth covered his mouth as an arm wrapped around his chest and constrained his other arm, he tried to shake off whoever was behind him, dropping his phone on the porch. He struggled against his assailant, what the hell was going on, who the hell was this and why? He tried to shake off the person, attempting to breathe, but trying to do so with the cloth over his mouth felt impossible, and his eyes were starting to close. Was it chloroform? He couldn't think too much on it, as his vision darkened and his limbs fell limp. A single thought passed his thoughts before he sub comes to the darkness, 'Kyle...' 


Laughs maniacally*

Suffer with a cliffhanger! Who was the person who attacked Stan, and what will happen next? Go ahead and guess, I'd like to see if anyone gets it right. 

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