Chapter 3: Tegridy Farms

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I'm back!


The beat up dirt bike roared as Kylie-B sped down the road, passing by many acres of land covered in hemp plants, the red head took a deep breath of the air, a grin stretched across his obscured face. It's been months since he had a fresh supply, and he ran out weeks ago, and it was driving him crazy. He's grateful that his parents hadn't backtracked on his lifted punishment during the weekend, so he lied saying he was going to explore the town, well it's not a complete lie, he is discovering new terrain not too far off from town.

He then began to slow down when he saw a sign approaching, it read 'Tegridy Farms'  just the place he needed. With a smile, Kylie-B pulled into the dirt beaten path and followed it up to a nice blue and white two story house. Slowing to a stop, the red head removed his helmet and kicked down his bike's kickstand before setting his helmet on the seat. He was about to head up the stairs to get to the door, only to interrupted from behind, "Howdy stranger."

Kylie-B whipped his head around and saw a tall man with short black hair and mustache, he wore a blue flannel button up with worn jeans, muddy work boots, and a straw hat. "What can I do ye fur'?"

The red head blinked at the man, but fully turned to greet him, "Uh hi, I heard that this place has the best weed for miles, so I thought I'd check it out, ya know?"

"The best, shucks I wouldn't think like that, but you don't look familiar, you new to South Park?"

"Yeah, about a week ago."

"So now, why would a kid such as yourself need some of my tegridy?"

"Eh, just need something to help me focus ya know?"

"Well then, just follow me and I'll show you our options, they be up in the barn." Randy turned towards a barn not too far off and stared towards, confused, the red head followed, this guy was just gonna show him where the weed is and not ask for an I.D.? He called him kid so he must have guessed, but was this man for real?

The teen narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he followed the man, and about half way to their destination the older man asked, "So what's yer' name kid?"


"My names Randy, and here at Tegridy we have all the hemp for anyone's needs. From stress, to pharmaceuticals, you need it, we got it and in all different varieties."

The redhead nodded, "And it's all natural grown?"

"Sure is." The two made it to the oversized barn doors, and Randy shoved them open.

Inside the barn, the raven haired boy from yesterday was sitting on a stool with his eyes lazily watching the screen, only to perk when he heard his dad's voice outside the doors, shoving his phone in his pocket he stood over the table before him with a pot in the center. He wrapped his hands around the ladle that stuck out right as the doors opened.

"This here is where we specialize our hemp before we make it public, and we do so by hand," Randy explained, as he continued on inside, Kylie-B followed and noted that the man's southern drawl accent came and went. His sea green eyes looked around the barn seeing all there was, the air was intoxicating, causing his mouth to curve into a small smile, only to quirk an eyebrow when he saw in the corner he saw what looked to be a blue towel, with tiny arms and legs, smoking from a pipe. Blinking and shaking his head he continued on, the fumes must already be getting to him, only for his eyes to land upon the other teen in the room. Their eyes met, only for them both to turn into glares, causing the air around them to thicken, but Randy remain oblivious as he continued to ramble on about the process, and how it has Tegridy or some shit.

The older man reached up on a shelf and brought down 3 jars, each with a different label, and turned towards the glaring boys, "Now this we got here is to help with focusing issues, just in different variations." Both turned towards the older man as he continued, "The first one is fer' a more loose focus, but enough, and the other two just sharpens it more, one more then the other."

"Randy you stupid fucker," Stan glowered, catching the red head's attention. "Are you really going to be selling that shit to someone my age?"

Randy, not seeming to hear any of his kid's words answered, "Yup, keep up the good work son."

Kylie-B held back a slight chuckle at the interaction, only for Stan to roughly shove the pot full of herbs further onto the table, "Finish your own fucking work," he then made his way out the door, with the redhead catching sight of his cigarette pack as he turned the corner.

"Ah that boy of mine. So what will it be?"

"I guess it depends on how strong each one is."

"Well, to know what exactly your looking fer', why not take some samples home with ya? That way you know what you need fer' sure."

Sea green eyes blinked at the older man, "How much?"

"On the house."

Kylie-B's eyes widen, "Really?"

"Yup. Here let me get these bagged up for ya."

Randy then turned and grabbed a few Ziploc bags from a nearby shelf and scooped a bit of from each jar into their own bog. Once finished he turned towards the red haired teen and handed him the bags, "Now if anyone asks, you tell them you've got tegridy."

Confused, Kylie-B just nodded at the older man, "Thanks Randy."

"Anytime kid, and don't be afraid to come on back now."

The teen gave the man a half hearted smile, "Will do."

With that said the red head walked out of the barn and went straight for his bike that still stood by the farm house, pocketing his baggies, he put on his helmet and rode off. Not noticing the figure that sat at a window on the second floor staring down at him, taking a long drag from his cigarette before letting out a puff of smoke through the open window.

A few miles down the rode, Kylie-B pulled his bike over and tore off his helmet, he dug into his pant pocket and pulled out one of the bags, he reached into another and pulled out some papers, and a lighter. Quickly he rolled some weed into a paper and lite up the end, taking a long drag from the other end, and slowly letting it out with a sigh. "Not bad shit."

After a few more drags, Kylie-B placed what was left in the baggie and stashed his items again, once again putting the helmet on, he got an idea, if Stan lives there, maybe he could...yes, that'll work nicely, and with a smile made his way back to the main town of South Park, not noticing a missing person's flyer on the way.

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