Chapter 6: Kylie-B vs Wendy

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I'm back once again.


It was just a question. A mother fucking question, and now here he was, okay hold up, let's go back.

Kylie-B stood outside the back of the high school, his back against the rough bricks as he took a drag of his joint, the goths of the school there, sitting on the steps as they each held a cigarette between their lips. Blowing smoke into the growing chill Colorado air, the group in black had grown used to the redhead's presence, it just happened one day about almost two weeks ago when Stan came through the doors with the slightly taller teen right behind him.

The group didn't say anything, they just glanced at the pale teen who took out a joint and took long drags from it. They all stayed quite till the redhead bid a farewell to Stan and went back in. Then they questioned their fellow goth.

The tallest one with curly hair started, "Who the Fuck was that conformist?"

"A dumbass."

"Why was he following you?" The girl in a long black dress asked.

"He wanted a smoke," the teen removed the cancer stick stub from his lips and dropped it on the ground, stepping on it to kill any fire it had.

"And you brought him here?"

"Why not."

The group said nothing as the teen leaned on the railing and breathed the cold air, he wasn't really sure why he brought that idiot to him and his friends smoking and skipping place, he just asked him if he knew a place where he could take a puff without being caught, and he motioned him to follow. Maybe it was the fact that his father pretty much outed him in front of the redhead and his family, as not many people knew, maybe it was that he didn't think he was as bad of a conformist as he originally thought, kind of like how he thought about Butters before he vanished. Whatever the reason, he found that being around him wasn't as bad as he originally thought, he was still obnoxious as hell, but he wasn't an ass about it.


Kylie-B took one last drag from the joint before tossing the bit of paper stub that was left, he turned toward Stan and asked, "You goin' to class?"

The goth shrugged, really undecided at this point. Kylie-B shrugged, "Alright," he went for the door but before opening it and going through he added, "Later kitten."

Stan's eyes went wide, his pale face turned a crimson red, as he ended up choking on some smoke from his cigarette, the redhead went through the door, leaving an embarrassed goth with his friends.

"What the hell was that?"

Stan hacked a bit before answering with, "How the hell am I suppose to know!" That was a lie, he knew well where that name came from, he just wasn't expecting him to ever use it.

This was a mess.
Kylie-B strolled down the hall toward his locker, already feeling the weed kick in, as he made it to his metal door, only to see a familiar face. He's seen them around the school, but didn't know their name since he hadn't talked to them, but he's had this nagging question. The person had pitch black hair under a pink beret, today it seemed they put all their hair in the hat because on some days it made it to the person's waist. They wore a cut off sleeved jeans jacket over a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers, when sometimes they wore a more feminine outfit consisting of purples, and just having a girly flair. What was this guy?

The redhead walked up to the teen who was talking to a girl with long blonde curly hair, and coming up right behind them asked, "So are you a crossdresser or what?"

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