Chapter 14: Midnight Visitor

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Stan laid in his bed staring up at the ceiling, his eyes tiredly blinking, yet refusing to close and let him sleep. He let out a sigh only to hear something, like a tapping against his window. Tired and getting irritated, he walked over to the window, and outside it, he saw Kyle's familiar face. What the hell was he doing back here? And how did he get up here?

Opening the window he demanded, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Kyle's sea-green eyes stared at him as he had a large grin on his face and answered, "Wanted to see you of course kitten."

Stan's face burned, he hissed at the redhead, "Quit calling me that!"

"Aw, but it makes you so flustered when I do."

"Why are you here!?"

Kyle's smile didn't falter, "Like I said Kitten, to see you."

He ended up getting into the room, causing Stan to take a couple of steps back, "Dude, you got to go, my parents will think all the wrong shit if they see you here right now!"

"Oh, and what kind of  'wrong shit' would that be?"

"Don't play stupid, you should know well."

"Should I?"

Okay, he really was playing stupid, and that damn smug grin on his face said it all, Stan glared at the redhead and growled at him, "You need to leave!"

"Oh, but is that what you want?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" he noticed that Kyle had a small backpack on him, one he didn't recognize, "And what are you carrying?"

"Somethings I'm sure you'd enjoy."

The goth rolled his eyes at the statement, "Unlikely."

"How about this, if you don't like what I'm offering, then I'll leave, if you do, then we can see what the night has in store for us."

Stan's cheeks burned again, what the hell was he trying to play at? "Fine, whatever it takes to make you leave sooner."

He noticed Kyle's grin widen as he said, "With pleasure." Before Stan's mind could process anything he felt the redhead's lips against his. They felt smooth compared to his chapped ones, he didn't know how to respond, he wanted to push him away, but he felt his body freeze upon him instead. He felt Kyle's tongue brush against his bottom lip and his hips ground against his own, causing him to let out a squeak in surprise, which gave access for the taller teen to invade. What was up with this guy?! He narrowed his eyes as he started to push back against the other, battling for dominance.

He felt Kyle grin against him and felt his hips jerk against his own, he winced at the feeling his sweatpants starting to feel tight, but he chose to ignore it in favor of trying to beat Kyle, at what exactly, he didn't know, but he sure as hell wasn't gonna let him win. However, that was quickly thrown out when he felt Kyle grab his writs, confused he slacked which seem to give the redhead an opening for major push back as he started to walk him and Stan to the bed. This eventually led to Stan being near pinned against his own bed with Kyle's tongue trying to go down his throat, he wanted to push back again, but with his writs held by the other, he couldn't do much, although he'd be lying to himself if he said he hated how things were going so far.

Kyle eventually pulled away, his already dark green eyes seemed to have darkened with lust staring down into Stan's own. "So, want to press on Kitten?"

He didn't know why but he did, and he didn't want to back out now. He gave the redhead a half-grin and asked, while still trying to catch his breath, "What do you have in mind?"

"Well..." the redhead slipped off his bag and let it hit the floor with a quiet thud, he reached down and pulled out a wad of rope, causing Stan's heart to skip a beat and the feeling in his pants to grow, was he excited, " about we start with this?"

He swallowed, but he couldn't stop the excited grin that spread across his face as he nodded. Kyle snatched his wrists again and pulled them over the raven's head, with a quick movement Kyle straddled him and wrapped the rope around his pale wrists against the wooden bedposts. Stan's brown eyes clouded with lust as he bucked his hips against Kyle, he felt his heart pick up as he wanted more, "Rope is that it, thought you'd have something more planned," he said with a grin.

The redhead gave a heavy chuckle, "So ya really like it kinky then, heh," he reached his arm over the side of the bed where his bag laid and pulled something else out of it, a ball with straps attached. "So is this what you want?"

The sight of the item made him harder, he swore he was probably dripping precome by at this point and staining his boxers, his breathing was heavy as he gave a definite nod, Kyle continued to smirk down at him as he placed the ball at his lips, "Open up Kitten," he did and he ball went in, Kyle then pulled the straps behind Stan's head and a small click could be heard. The redhead pulled away and said, "Now don't you look tasty."

Stan watched as the other leaned down again, but this time he could feel his breath on his neck and his teeth graze his skin, only for them to sink in causing the goth to let out a gasp that turned into a moan as Kyle nibbled and sucked on his skin. He felt as Kyle's hands trailed down his sides and slip their way under his top, lifting it the further he reached. The raven moaned as he felt Kyle pinch his nipples and rub them between his fingers, he didn't know why all of this feel so good, but he sure as hell was glad it did.

Kyle eventually pulled away from his neck, Stan could only guess the number of hickies the redhead's given him, and asked, "You ready for the real thing Kitten?"

Stan could only nod, feeling too overstimulated by the contact and the fact that he had a ball gag in his mouth. "Heh, alright, but one more thing."

Once again Kyle reached over the bed and pulled something out, a whip.

Stan felt himself shudder as he made a sound, he didn't know what he was trying to say, his mind so clouded, but Kyle smirked and said, "You really are a kinky bastard, so ready to continue on?"

He nodded, but before anything, he heard a loud noise, like a ringing of sorts. The corners of his vision began to darken.


Stan's eyes shot open to a dark sky outside his window with a tiny bit of sunrise light peeking over the horizon and his phone alarm going off. He let out a groan as he turned off his alarm and sat up, only to feel in uncomfortable hardness between his legs, his dream came rushing back and a burning heat flooded his face as he lifted his blanket and saw the tent his pants had, "Oh please no..."

The feeling of shame consumed him. 

He took a glance at his clock and saw he had 45 minutes till he had to leave for school. With a sigh, he got out of bed and grabbed an outfit, all of which was black of course, and headed straight to the bathroom to take care of his little problem.


It's official, Stan is into some kinky stuff.

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