Chapter 12: Still Grieving

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'Why the hell am I even here, not like I'm gonna go to class anyway...' Stan sighed to himself as he walked out the back doors of the school and dragged his feet to his usual spot by the wall. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag from it before sitting on the blanket that laid on the ground, a layer separating him from the cold snow-covered pavement. Mindlessly he continued to smoke till the stick was nothing but a stub, then went to pull out another one but noticed that he was damn near out, and he needed them to last for the rest of the day as he didn't have any more packs and needed to get more. He let out a sigh as he shoved the almost empty pack in his pocket, he pulled his knees up to his chest and laid his head against them, he tried to clear his mind, make himself go numb as the cold mountain air bit into his skin. He didn't know how long he was out there, he just knew he didn't want to be there, or anywhere really.

His eyes were half-closed when he thought he heard the door open, but he paid no mind to it, as he wanted to slip into unconsciousness, but that didn't happen when he felt a hand grip his shoulder, he felt his heart quicken, who was that? What the hell did they want? Shit was it Cartman or one of his goons?

"You okay?"

His scrambling thoughts halted at the voice, slowly looking up, peeking out from behind his knees, there he saw the familiar redhead that had somehow wormed his way into his life. His eyes slightly narrowed at the sight, but he really didn't have the energy behind it so he just gave a shrug in response.

Kyle, yes he called him Kyle and not Kylie-B because it's a stupid nickname and it's just what he calls himself so why should he call him that, looked down at him with his sea-green eyes filled with concern. He sighed and then said, "Look, the others told me that today's a hard day for you and you don't wanna be home with your parents, but none of them can take ya in for the night."

Why the hell did they tell him that?

"...So if you want, you could come to my place for the night."

Stan felt his eyes widen a bit, an escape for the night. "R-really?"

He cringed at the sound of his voice cracking, but it didn't seem to have fazed Kyle at all, "Yeah, messaged my mom and she said she didn't mind, she also said she was gonna be out most of the night for some meeting, so we really wouldn't have to deal with her."

It felt like a weight was just lifted from his chest, "Thanks..."

"No problem. Now come on, let's get lunch."

Great..."I'm fine."

"Dude, you should eat."

"I'm not hun-" he was cut off when he felt his growl in protest, 'Damn it'

He glanced back up at the redhead who had an almost smug look on his face, "You were saying?"

"I said I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat."

"What part of I'm fine don't you get?"

Kyle sighed, "Alright, bridal or over the shoulder?"


"Whichever one you pick is how I'm carrying you into that lunchroom kitten."

Stan's face warmed at the nickname and the thought of being carried by the taller teen, what the hell? "Like hell, you will!"

"Then come on."

He groaned but forced himself to stand, knowing he couldn't get out of it as his friends actually went to attend their classes today, so he allowed Kyle to lead the way. He wanted to curl up and hide when he entered the crowded room, he'd never ate in there, opting to either skip lunch in general or eat a small snack he packed that morning. He really didn't want to deal with this today.

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