Chapter 5: Dinner

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Another Chap is ready to go, hope you enjoy!


Stan arrived home to see his mother in the kitchen cooking, wandering in, he sat in a chair and laid his head over as he closed his eyes. "How was school sweetie?"


He heard the dishes hit one another as his mom continued to cook, she glanced over at him and asked, "Stan could you put on a nicer shirt? We're having company."

Stan let out a silent groan, "What time?"

"Around six."

The raven stood from his seat, knowing there was no arguing over his shirt, and went up stairs to his room, where he collapsed on his bed and glanced at the clock, '4:15'. Lord how he hated living so far out.

He forced himself up and picked a solid grey shirt out of a drawer, it'd be considered 'nicer' then his current black-tee with a raven on it. After changing he flopped back down on his bed and pulled out his phone, a great distraction for the next few hours.

Around six, he heard the doorbell, guess the guests were here, getting out of bed, and out of his room, he walked down the steps just in time for his mother to open the door to reveal their company. He saw a plump woman with red hair, a tall thin man with thinning brown hair, and a small boy who looked to be 13 with black hair. The two woman exchanged pleasantries, as the redheaded woman introduced her husband, Gerald, her son, Ike, and then she moved over and pulled someone behind her up to the foreground, only for the goth to recognize him as the loud mouthed new kid, Kyle, dressed in slightly nicer, less ripped up, clothes. He felt dread fill his chest. Great...

He then heard his father walk in from the back door, his damn fake southern drawl like nails on a chalkboard to his ears. Saying his hellos before freezing, and dropping his accent, "Gerald?"


They know each other?

Oh how he wanted to go back up stairs and stay in his room for the rest of the night, but he knew his mom would drag him down if he did, so he continued the decent down, where everyone could see him, he hated the attention, even if they didn't notice him.

Kylie-B noticed him while he and his parents were invited in, the adults chatting and his little brother awkwardly standing next to their mom. With a smirk he walked over to the goth, the adults heading towards the kitchen, while the raven seemed to be in no hurry to follow after. "Who'd a thought that my ma would meet yours and our dads knew one another."

Stan rolled his eyes, "So?"

Kylie-B shrugged, "Just sayin' how it's a coincident is all."

The goth rolled his eyes, but before he could say anything he heard his mom call them for dinner. So with a sigh, he motioned the redhead to follow, "Let's just get this night over with."

The two families sat around the long kitchen table, the fathers chatting on about how their lives have been, the mothers making idle chit chat, Ike sitting awkwardly between his mother and brother, not really knowing, or having anything to say, and the two older boys, also not saying anything as they ate, not exactly sure what to say, well that being more on Kylie-B's part, but regardless.

"So Stan, you're in the same grade as Kyle?"

Stan glanced over and saw the redhead's mother looking over at him with expecting eyes, he let out a silent sigh, he was hoping he could avoid interacting with everyone tonight, and ignoring her would not be considered polite, according to his mom, "Yeah..."

"Share any classes?"


"Friends then?"

"Not exactly," "You could say that."

The two boys gave each other light glares at each other, confusing both of their moms, only for something completely out of the blue to cause chaos.

"So Stan are you sucking dick?"

Said goth chocked on his food, hacking as he tried to breath, he heard his mom shout, "Randy!" As he tried to regain his breath, once able to breath he turned and glared at his father at the other end of the table, "What the hell!?"

"Just a question, you only have a few friends, what else is there for you to even do?"

A deep red flooded Stan's face as he glared harder at the older man, "You're an insufferable Cockgobler," he growled as his hand, on instinct, reached for the knife near him as he tried to bury his embarrassment, only to hear the dumbass sitting across from him speak, "Such a vicious little kitten."

His hand griped the knife, and stabbed t into the table, his form shook, only for his eyes to widen at what he did, after a moment of silence he muttered, "I've been around Firkle for too long..."

"You know Firkle?"

The goth looked over at the smaller teen who sat diagonal from him, looking at him with interested eyes. His brown eyes glanced down the table, his mom seemed to be assuring Shelia that he wasn't dangerous, his damn father was back to talking to Gerald, and Kylie-B was looking at him with slightly worried eyes. He gave he black haired teen a short nod, bringing a spark to the teens blue eyes, "Could you tell me about him?"

This was something else, someone was interested in Firkle and wanted to actually know the kid? And this one didn't seem like the kind to try and use any information against him, but this wasn't his place, why would he talk about his friends to a total stranger, "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

A light blush dusted Ike's face, that was his name right, as he looked away, and Stan was hit with a douse of realization, Firkle had an admirer. A dorky embarrassed admirer.

Sighing, he caved. "Firkle is pretty much a demon spawn. He likes knives and writes poems, and a heads up don't piss him off."

Another spark of light entered Ike's blue eyes as a his face broke into a smile, "Thanks!"

The raven turned back towards Kylie-B, who seemed to be giving his mother slight nervous glances, but she seemed to be caught up in talking with Sharon again, much to the redheads obvious relief. He went back to picking at his food, not a lot gone, while the meat remained untouched, his mother saw this and gave him a worried look, she leaned over a little when no one seemed to be looking and whispered, "Could you eat a little more?"

He gave her a glance but sighed as he ate more off the plate, still leaving the meat untouched.

After dinner, the the Broflovskis stayed a bit longer, mostly the parents talked while the teens really didn't have much to say, what could they say really?

Soon though, the other family left, the moms saying how they should do it again, the dads saying how they need to hang out, Ike being polite and thanking them for the food, and Kylie-B giving Stan a hint of a smile before saying, "See ya at school."

Stan let out a sigh of relief as they left, finally. "I'm going to my room," he muttered as he walked past them, going up the stairs and heading back to his room. As soon as he was on the second floor he heard his mother's voice grow stern towards his father, but he ignored it as he shut the door behind him, and flopped back onto his bed. He dug out his his headphones, put them on full blast, and drowned out the rest of the world, but mostly the arguing downstairs that he'd grown accustomed to, his hand reached for the drawer in his side table as he pulled out a silver metal flask, taking a swig before closing his eyes.


What did you guys think? Are things progressing smoothly for these two boys? Until next time!

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