Chapter 19: Happy New Year

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Kylie-B arrived at the party with it already in full swing, he took note of the handful of cars that littered the street as he walked past the entrance and up to the massive mansion, he's seen it a few times when he arrived but was shocked to learn that it was Token's place. His parents must've been loaded. He took a deep breath of the chilled mountain air and walked in without knocking, he could hear the music from outside, and no one would hear if he bothered anyway. Walking in the door he saw many of his classmates talking, dancing, drinking, making out, and other things.

He walked straight to the table that had a bowl of straight alcohol and downed a glass, wincing at the very strong and bitter taste, trying to get himself into the atmosphere around him. Taking another glass he began to wander around till he found an all too familiar goth sitting by the entrance in the kitchen, his eyes looked spaced out as he stared at the ground and held a disposable in his hand, he walked over to Stan and said, "Glad to see you're here."

Stan looked up and stared into his eyes, a kind of goofy grin made its way to the goth's face as he stumbled his way to standing using the wall behind him as support, he was done wasted, "You made it," he nearly lost his footing, seemingly to trip on nothing, only to be caught by the taller teen's arms.

"Whoa, ya need to relax on the drinks," he said as he stabled Stan back into standing against the wall.

The goth giggled and said, "It's a party, have some fun."

Kylie-B's eyes narrowed, "That a challenge?"

Stan smirked up at him and replied, "Bet I last longer than you."

"It's on!"

Three cups of straight alcohol later, Kylie-B was leaning over the smaller teen with a smirk on his face, "Ya know ya really fuckin' pretty?"

The goth laughed, "Ya right, ya's shit faced. Ya's don't know what ya's sayin'."

"Nah dude I means it," he tilted Stan's chin up.

"Prove it."

With a grin, Kylie-B leaned down and pressed his lips against Stan's roughly chapped ones, almost instantly he felt Stan push back against his own. After a moment of so, he pulled away, still grinning down at the goth, "Proof enough Kitten?"

Stan looked up at him with flushed cheeks before he felt hands grab onto his shirt and pulled him down again, smashing his lips against his own once more, he blinked only to give in and kiss back, his hazy mind not fully registering that he was kissing his crush. They pulled away again to catch their breath, only to kiss again, and again, all without tongue.

The two kept this up till someone from the living room started shouting, "It's time its time!"

The two pulled away again, both looking flushed as they've barely given themselves time to breathe between their kisses. Kylie-B smiled down at the goth as he grabbed his hand and said, "Wanna watch the ball drop?"

The goth numbly nodded. Kylie-B smiled and grabbed his hand, with a drunken grin he pulled Stan into the living room where most people sat in front of the large widescreen TV that was mounted on the wall. The redhead found a spot at the end of one of the seats and sat down, pulling Stan into his lap, who showed no resistance to it as he was sat down on the taller teen's thighs.

He wrapped his arms around the raven's slim waist and leaned his head on his shoulders as his drunken glazed eyes glanced back and forth at the TV and the teen in his lap. He could smell the alcohol and cigarette smoke on him, but he could also smell a hint of hazel coffee. He buried his face into the crook of Stan's neck, inhaling his bitter yet addictive scent when he heard the teens around the room chanting numbers, he looked up and saw Stan mouthing off them off rather than saying it, even when hammered, he wasn't going to completely allow himself to be a 'conformist'. At the end of the count down Kylie-B joined in, shouting along with the rest of the crowd, he always enjoyed the atmosphere at these sorts of parties.

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