Chapter 1: Last Straw

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Hey! First South Park Fic! Hope you enjoy!


"You really did it this time Broflovski, it's one thing to graffiti the building, and another to be caught smoking dope in the bathroom, but this is the last straw! We've given you one too many chances here, you have to learn that your actions have- Are you even listening to me?!"

Sea green eyes lazily looked up from nicely manicured nails to the red faced man that sat across him. The man's eyes bore into his own, but remained unfazed as he rolled his eyes at him, and smacked his lips before speaking, "I heard ya, but I don't care."

The man's face turned three shades darker with rage as he slammed his hands on the desk before him, "You better care young man! This is the fourth school you've been expelled from now, and you'd have to consider yourself lucky to even find a correctional school that'd have you! I don't know who you think you are but-" The ranting man was cut off by a little voice box on his desk. "Mr. Smith, The Broflovskis are here to see you."

Mr. Smith let out an aggravated sigh as he ran his hands through his greying hair, he straightened up his wrinkled suit and pressed the button on the box. "Send them in."

The teen sighed as he heard the door open behind him, he could see in the corner of his eye two familiar figures he knew well walk up next to him, a short plump woman wearing her usual purple and black business attire, and a tall, lean, balding man wearing a green suit. "You wanted to see us, Principal Smith?" The man asked, glancing at the teen next to him.

"Yes, please have a seat Mr. and Mrs. Broflaski."

"What is this all about?" The plump woman asked as she took a seat in a chair next to the boy.

"Well, Mrs.Broflaski, your son was in an altercation with another student, he's now in the infirmary with a broken nose, and many bruises."

"What? What? What!" She sharply turned towards the unflinching teen, "Kyle what were you thinking?!"

Kyle's sea green eyes stared at the floor as he picked at his nails, "They started it..."

"That is not an excuse young man, you know better!"

The teen didn't say anything as he bit the insides of his lip, it was better to just let her rant instead of trying to say anything anyway.

The woman took a deep breath before redirecting her attention towards the principal, "Is the child alright?"

"Yes he'll be fine, and his father has agreed not to bring up charges, but in return, your son must be expelled."

The tall man let out a frustrated sigh, "Kyle this is your fourth school," he ran his hand through his graying brown hair as he got a tired look in his eyes. "And the school year is practically over..."

"Well, although your son has behavioral problems, his grades will allow him to permit into the next grade."

The two adults next to the teen let out a sigh as Kyle kept his head down, knawing at his lip as he tried to keep up an uncaring face, but he nearly bit through the skin when Mr. Smith continued on about his 'behavioral problems', so he just tried to tune them out till he saw him reach into his desk and pulled out a slightly wrinkled pamphlet.

"Military school?" The brunet man asked as he took the paper from the principal and looked it over. "I don't know, Shelia?" He turned towards his wife, her hazel green eyes stared at the paper in her husband's hand, only to then stand and say to the Principal, "We'll think about it, thank you for your time, and we're sorry about everything."

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