Chapter 30: Sick Day

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Stan groaned as he buried himself deeper into the pile of blankets that his mother covered him with. He was cold and shaky, his nose was stuffed and his body was heavy. He grumbled to himself, cursing his boyfriend if he wasn't at that river with that waterfall that Kyle brought him to, he wouldn't have fallen in and gotten sick with this stupid cold! 

He sighed to himself, today was his second day being sick and today was a school day so at least he wouldn't have to deal with being in that hell. His eyes drooped closed, only for them to open again at the sound of a notification from his phone, he groaned as he weakly reached for it. He squinted his eyes at the light and saw messages from his friends' group chat, responding about how he wouldn't be at school, few said he was lucky but told him to get better, a more chill approach compared to Kyle's.

When he woke up sick yesterday and has been suffering ever since then Kyle has been, let's say overbearing, to say the least. As soon as he messaged that he was sick, Kyle basically kicked down the door and started to mother over him, asking what was wrong, what does he need, should they go to the hospital, all of it. His boyfriend stayed with him all day, not letting him do much. Stan wouldn't admit it to his friends, but he did enjoy the attention, obnoxious as it was. 

The texts from his boyfriend were asking if he wanted or needed anything, earlier one message asked if he wanted him to skip to stay by his side, but Stan turned him down. He shot back a few more texts and tossed his phone onto the side table, he was exhausted. His eyes finally drooped closed and all he saw was black.


Kyle walked into Stan's house, the school had just ended and he road straight over, worried for his little sick kitten, Sharon gave him an open door policy to come and go as he pleases. He didn't bother to check if she was in as he went straight up the stairs to his boyfriend's door. Quietly he opened the door and there laid his little goth kitten curled up in a pile of blankets. A smile spread across his face at the sight, he sat his bag by the door and tip-toed over to the sleeping teen. Carefully he sat on the edge of the bed, not to wake the other up, and brushed Stan's hair out of his face. 

The goth seemed to squirm at the feeling of loose stray hairs brushing against his face, but Kyle kept a fond smile, "You're so cute."

He ran his fingers through Stan's raven black hair, cooing slightly when the sick teen nuzzled his face into Kyle's side. He pulled out his phone and snapped a few quick pictures, saving them for later. Kyle continued to mess with Stan's hair with one hand and played on his phone with the other until Stan finally woke up, "Kyle...?"

"Evening sleeping beauty, sleep well?"

The goth shrugged as he sleepily looked at the other, "Well, sit tight, I'm going to go make you something, soup okay?"

"Not hungry..."

"Well you need to eat, I'll be right back," Kyle stood up and left, going to go put on some soup.

Stan tiredly waited and turned on the TV, it was on Terrance and Phillip. When was the last time he watched this again? He shrugged to himself and watched, rolling his eyes at some of the jokes, how did he watch this as a kid, he couldn't deny the feeling of nostalgia he got from it.

"It's hot."

He turned and saw Kyle walking in with a bowl of steaming soup on a tray and sat it down in front of him, "And I want you to eat all of it okay?"

Stan rolled his eyes but began to eat slowly. Kyle's eye then caught the TV, "What's this?"

"Terrance and Phillip."

"Never heard of it."

Stan paused for a moment and turned to look at the redhead, "What?"

Kyle shook his head, "Never heard of it, and from the looks of it, it's just fart jokes."

"It is, but this was the show when we were kids, everyone loved it."

"Not my cup of tea, so how's the soup?"

Stan would've argued more about the show but he was too tired, but he answered his boyfriend with a, "It's good."

The two spent the rest of the day together, with Stan resting and Kyle keeping an eye on him, when Stan asked, "You wanna stay the weekend?"

That was out of left field, "Sure, but-"

"Mom said it was fine and that'd she'd feel better with having someone here with me, she's going out of town for the weekend."

"Of course kitten, I'd love to, hopefully, you'll be feeling much better by then."

Stan yawned and nodded, "Yeah I hope so."

He was feeling a lot better by Thursday evening.


I had a different idea for how Kyle learned about Terrance and Philip but it got chucked out, but yeah I did want to incorporate that a little bit since Kylie-B's family didn't have those channels and therefore, he wouldn't have seen it. 

Another short one, can't say much on that. Hope you enjoyed it, and tell me what you think.

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