Chapter 2: First Meetings

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Here is chapter 2.


"Annie Bartlett?"


"Token Black?"


"Kyle Broflovski?"


The balding teacher looked up from his clipboard with a sigh to see his newest edition to the class sitting in the backrow glaring at him. "What?"

"I said my name's Kylie-B, not exactly that hard to remember, been sayin' it all week."

The man rolled his eyes as he just continued on down the list, Kylie-B sighed as he leaned back in his seat, tuning out the teacher's monotoned voice. It wasn't until he heard a new pitch from the teacher that perked his attention, "Well look who decided to join us today. You're late Mr. Marsh."

Kylie-B's sea green eyes looked over at the door, where a pale teen around his age stood, he wore a black t-shirt with the words 'Nevermore' etched in the front, black skinny jeans with rips at the knees, black shoes, black fingerless gloves, and a black and grey poof ball hat obscuring his raven black hair. "Did you already call my name?"

"Well no but-"

"Then I'm not late."

The balding man growled but restrained himself, "Just take your damn seat Stanley."

"Whatever," the teen sighed as he stalked down the side of the room to reach his desk, where his light brown eyes, that were outlined with eyeliner, saw a new figure in the once empty seat next to his own desk, only to narrow in distaste. What the hell, he's only been missing for two week and they've already had someone take his place, what fucking disrespect. Kylie-B saw the raven haired teen, who the teacher called Stanley, glaring at him, "What?"

Stan rolled his eyes and sat at his desk, ignoring the red head. Kylie-B's eyes narrowed at the other, "What's your problem?"

The raven said nothing as he turned his attention away from the other, causing the redhead's eye to twitch as he bit back a growl, but he let out a breath to try and keep cool, since he didn't want to cause trouble a week in. Still, what the hell was up with that guy, he did nothing to him and he's acting like a jerk.

Anyway, after attendance was over they proceeded with class, and things were fine, until Kylie-B heard something from his seat neighbor, "Fucking conformist."

Whipping his head over towards the raven, and with gritted teeth he hissed, "Listen here, bitch, you're more of a fucking conformist then I am. You fucking emo."

Stan froze, only to slowly turn towards the redhead, his eyes blazing as they met Kylie-B's, "What the fuck did you just call me?"

"I'm sure you heard me," he replied with the corner of his mouth quirking up.

"I'm goth you bitch ass conformist!" Stan's growled as he started to raise his voice, catching the class' attention.

"A goth is just a 90's emo!"

Stan stood from his desk, "I'm not emo!"

Kylie-B followed, "And I'm not ginger!"

A look of confusion flooded Stan's face, he mouthed, 'What?' Only for them to be interrupted by a pissed off teacher, "Marsh! Broflovski! Principal's office now!"

The two turned to look at their now red faced teacher, only to glare at each other again, pick up their bags, and leave. Kylie-B walked behind the goth, glaring holes in the back of his head, following him down the hall, only for the raven to make a sudden sharp turn towards a set of doors.

The redhead froze as he watched the goth make his way to the doors, only for him to stop and turn towards him with a blank look, "I ain't going to the principal's office, that old bastard doesn't give a shit if we actually go." He then turned on his heels and pulled a pack of cigarettes from him pocket, placing a stick between his lips before disappearing behind the door.

Rolling his sea green eyes, Kylie-B went to his assigned locker, pulled out a black and green helmet and exited out a different door.

An hour later, a group of four teens dressed in black exited a set of doors only to see a familiar raven lighting up another cigarette. "Stan, you're out early."

The pale teen sighed as he pulled the cancer stick away from his lips, only to say, "Skipped," before taking another drag from it.

The four nodded before sitting down in their respective places, pulling out their own things and settling into a comfortable silence.


Not too far off by a semi-large pond, sat the red haired teen on his dirt bike, balancing the vehicle with his leg as he leaned over the handle bars with his eyes focused on his phone, not being able to go home since he was suppose to be at school, and to try and learn more of the area since he was only recently was ungrounded, but hasn't had the time to explore, even though he was already on his last day of his first school week.

He sighed as he scrolled through his phone, trying to ignore his pounding head ache and the constant chills that covered his insides, he tried to find anything local that could give him his fix at a reasonable price. He was about to give it a rest when he saw one, 'Tegerty Farms' not too far from town, and from the looks of it, the prices seemed very reasonable.

His mouth quirked up into a smile, he knew what he's gonna do tomorrow.


There ya go. Stan Mash has entered. What ya guys think?

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