Chapter 31: Daddy

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Warning: Smut.


Stan bit his lip to keep himself from making any noise as he felt Kyle's hands roam up his shirt and trail his back, his fingers dug into his blanket of the bed. "You okay kitten?"

The goth nodded in response, but didn't say anything as his heart pounded in his chest and his skin screamed at the contact, when was the last time he was actually touched so intimately?

"Tell me when to stop okay?"

"Mm-hm..." He tried to keep his breathing under control, as he squirmed under Kyle's touch, after a minute Kyle asked, "Can I take off your shirt?"

He nodded, not trusting his own voice, and let Kyle remove his t-shirt and toss it on the floor, Kyle's hands rubbed against his shoulders and ran down his arms, it was so hard to breathe normally, and his breath hitched when he felt Kyle's lips brush against his shoulder, "K-kyle!"

The redhead pulled away, "Are you okay?"

He nodded but didn't turn to face his boyfriend, "C-can you...d-do it again?"

Kyle smiled as he leaned forward and placed his hands on Stan's arms again, rubbing soothing circles with his thumbs, "Sure babe," and he leaned forward and pressed his lips against the same place as he did before. Stan's breathing hitched in his throat at the contact, and Kyle continued, peppering kisses along his shoulder and neck. He was so close to breaking.

Then he did, as when Kyle brushed his fingers against the large scar on his back he moaned, he quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, his eyes looking over at Kyle who had a smile on his face, "That feels good kitten?"

He swallowed, "Mh-hm..."

His smile then showed his teeth, he then removed his own shirt, "How about we do the front now, and if you want you can touch me as well."

Stan's breathing shuttered but nodded. "Okay," Kyle easily turned the flustered goth around to face him, while wrapping his legs around his waist but his back was on the bed. The redhead went back to work, gently touching Stan's skin and rubbing it in areas, Stan squirmed once again, but kept his hands fisted in the blanket. He gasped when Kyle leaned forward and started to kiss his chest while he rubbed circles on his hips, he was going slow as he trailed around until his lips found their way to Stan's nipple. The goth made a sound as Kyle mouthed it before taking it between his lips.

He almost screamed but instead brought a fist to his mouth and bit into it, it felt so good, he groaned and bit harder as the redhead's teeth grazed it and began to toy with it, after a minute more of this torture, Kyle then pulled away, the bud now swollen and red, covered in his spit, and with a grin, at Stan's flushed expression he went straight to the other. Stan gasped again, this one was much more sudden, and Kyle was much harsher with its treatment, as he bit harder than the last and pulled at it with his teeth, making it stretch, but it felt so good.

The redhead finally pulled away, panting and taking in the sight of his red-faced boyfriend with his hand in his mouth to keep himself quiet. With a smirk, Kyle gently pulled Stan's arm away and leaned down into his ear, and said, "I want to hear you."

Stan's breathing felt heavy with Kyle's breath against his ear, his hips squirmed aginst's Kyle's only to feel his hands weigh them down and forced them to stop, "I can feel you're hard kitten, would you like to go further."

He swallowed, but nodded, his body was hot with all the physical touch he's received, and he was getting aroused by it, he wanted more. "I need you to say it kitten."

He would roll his eyes if he wasn't such a mess at the moment, "Yes."

"Okay," Stan felt Kyle's hands trail to the front of his sweatpants where the drawstring sat tied, and slowly Kyle pulled one end and caused the loose knot to come undone. He moved to where he could remove Stan's pants and tossed them to the rest of the clothes pile that was slowly growing, and while he was able he removed and kicked off his own pants as well. Both were hard as can see by their boxers which were uncomfortably tight.

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