(l) infinite tsukuyomi yay

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"who is she?", madara thought to himself as he saw the girl with the sharingan walk away. "never mind, it's time"

he looked up at the blood red moon. "everything will be okay soon"

y/n ran back to where everyone was fighting off ten-tails. "kakashi... where the hell are you?"

she went to the very centre of all the chaos, squeezing her eyes shut to sense his chakra. she felt an overwhelming need to see him.

"i miss you you fucking pervert"

finally, she felt it. it was faint and far away but it was there.

a hand was laid on her shoulder, making her jump up in surprise.

"y/n", it was minato, who seemed to have the same thoughts as her, "i'm going to where kakashi is. would you like to join me?"

"lord fourth", she gasped. as much as she didn't want to lose her cool, all she wanted to do right now was find kakashi and hug him and tell him she was pregnant like normal, boring people do.

except, nothing about her and kakashi was normal. or boring. but it would be nice to be boring if it meant she could have some peace and quiet with him.

slowly, she shook her head. "i think it would be better for me to stay here"

"are you sure?", he asked

"i'll stay here and help out to defeat juubi", she said, swallowing hard, "it's enough just for me to know he's safe"

"i'm happy naruto has comrades like you", he smiled

"just tell kakashi", she took a deep breath, "that he's not allowed to die"

"will do", minato patted her back, "see you, y/n. look after yourself. i'll bring him here soon"

"bye lord fourth"

she turned around, eyeing the ten-tailed beast viciously. "let's kick some tailed beast ass"

meanwhile, kakashi was at obito's throat, trying to work up the courage to kill him. obito was practically near death after the ten tails was extracted from him, and meant to use rinne rebirth to bring back the people lost in the war. but black zetsu prevented that from happening.

"don't do it", a voice told him calmly, "don't kill him yet"

the copy ninja looked up at the man who was there in a flash, very fitting for his nickname.

"minato sensei?!", he questioned

"i have a message from your girl", he said coolly


"you're not allowed to die, is what she said"

kakashi moved back, newfound motivation coursing through him, "her wish is my command"

back at the allied shinobi forces scene, y/n had begun to unleash what little chakra she had gained.

she interrupted the little competition that the konoha 12 were having among themselves.

"watch and learn kids", she said calmly


"bite me", y/n snapped back

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now