(xli) alive

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"y/n", a regular visitor of her room at the hospital came and sat down next to her. he stared at the floor for a while before finding words to express himself.

"you're alive right? then can you wake up already?"

kakashi wasn't here today. he had hesitantly left to deal with the whole hokage fiasco.

the boy sighed, leaning forward. "god, how hypocritical of you. you keep lecturing me about how lazy i am. and i don't know if you can hear me but.... everything is a drag without you around."


"i bet kakashi misses you just as much huh", jiraiya said

"well i'm hoping", she smiled, "what i'm really wondering is, why did you show up? out of all the people from my past, i mean"

"ouch that hurt", he feigned anger, "i have no idea honestly"

"mhmm. could've been shisui, or itachi. oh shit, it could've been asuma."

"well maybe because you seem to have a thing for your senseis", he nudged her

"I JUST DIED AND YOU'RE FLIRTING WITH ME?!", she punched him again

"i told you, LACK OF RESEARCH"

"i'm literally half your age-"

"y/n", jiraiya paused, "look"

y/n followed the direction of his gaze. chakra seemed to be flowing out of the place where her wound had been earlier until she was cloaked in it.

"what's happening?", she looked at her hands confusedly

"okay", jiraiya realised immediately

"rinne rebirth"

"there's good news and bad news"

"what is it?", she asked

"good news is you're going to come back to life"

her eyes lit up at his words, "really?", but then she remembered, "so w-what's the bad news?"

"my only source of research is going to leave", he sighed sadly


"sorry", he laughed, "it was too soon for you to be dead anyway. i'm happy the shinobi world will have you back."

"so this is actually happening?", she looked at herself in amazement. her eyes softened at the thought of leaving jiraiya. "i'll miss you, sensei"

"that makes me happy", he chuckled

"anything you want me to tell anyone when i go back?", she asked, feeling her chakra intensify.

"tell naruto i'm proud of him. and so are minato and kushina. and tell tsuna i.....", he seemed to be at a loss for words

"got it", she smiled as she faded away.


"shikamaru?", kakashi, who had just walked into the hospital room questioned

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