(xxxv) apology

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"shikamaru", kakashi called, "have you seen y/n?"

"kakashi sensei i feel like you owe her some sort of explanation", he replied, "she's gonna battle some random lady and i'm scared she'll kill her"


"she said her name was hanare", shikamaru said in a lazy tone, "and i heard your name being used somewhere. apparently you kissed her? i don't know, it was a drag to eavesdrop."

"this is not good", kakashi thought, "i completely forgot about her. and I HADNT EVEN TOLD Y/N. what if she gets the wrong idea?"

"where are they now?"

"training ground 3"

meanwhile hanare waited for her opponent to show up. y/n casually walked upto them. she looked her dead in the eye, smoothly activating her sharingan.

"your opponent has arrived, hanare-chan"

hanare froze at the revelation. "so you're-"

"uchiha y/n, yeah."

"so you're the one kakashi's seeing"

"oh shit", naruto realised how he'd caused the fight

"yeah i thought that was obvious", y/n replied

"so i bad-mouthed you.... to you?"

"i didn't take offence to what you said.", she nodded impatiently, "so are we sparring or are we not?"

"but- you're such a kid", she said, "i'll almost feel bad beating you"

"sure sure", y/n said, aching for a good fight, "let's go"

hanare replaced her shock with anger. she charged towards y/n, who stood perfectly still with her hands folded across her chest.

"maybe i'll take it easy"

hanare tried to hit her with a kick that reached her face which was dodged. she then threw three kunai, which were also dodged.

she attacked y/n continuously for a good fifteen minutes before stopping. y/n, who was on the defensive all this time, was bored by the fight. hanare, who was on the offensive, had lost quite a bit of chakra trying to land an attack and could feel herself getting tired.

"why aren't you attacking?!", hanare yelled out in exasperation

"well are you done attacking?", she asked, "hmm okay then, my turn"

she ran towards hanare, beginning to gather her chakra and her frustration into her right hand. "chidori"

meanwhile kakashi showed up at the training ground. he wanted to stop the fight but before he could, y/n intended to finish it.

he felt guilty just watching her use chidori because it meant she was thinking about him.

she was close to her in the blink of an eye, striking her with full force. a murderous look gleamed in her eyes.

all her movements screamed "i could kill you if i wanted at literally any moment but i won't because i'm a nice person"

"w-what is this jutsu?", hanare asked shakily as she lay on the ground.

"you see, my kakashi might've copied over a thousand jutsu but", she moved the chidori dangerously close to hanare again, electrocuting her.

"this one he invented all on his own"

hanare paused for a moment, knowing there was nothing she could do to get out of her situation. she huffed.

"fine, i lose"

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now