(liv) cat fight

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four months later

"and then", y/n stifled a laugh which somehow turned into a hiccup, "i showed madara the finger"

roars of laughter followed her statement.

"CHEERS TO Y/N GIVING MADARA THE FINGER", tsunade raised her bottle of sake

"AND TO GETTING MARRIED", kurenai yelled

"YESSS LETS GOOOOO", y/n yelled

sakura, ino, tenten and hinata giggled, watching their superiors get drunk. it was very unbecoming of them, but so entertaining at the same time.

the next day was y/n and kakashi's wedding. all the preparations were done and everyone wanted to do something nice for her.

so kakashi insisted she go out with the rest of the girls and that he would look after ika in the meantime. she was very hesitant at first, but eventually agreed and decided to let loose just for one night.

"you four", she pointed to her juniors, "give me some tea"

"w-what there's nothing t-to say", hinata blushed

"oh come on, everyone knows you like naruto", she nudged

"mhmm", she looked down, "it's that obvious huh"

"of course", y/n smiled, "wait wait have any of you had your first kiss yet?"

"Y/N SENSEI!", sakura exclaimed, shocked at how direct she was

"ah, so you have", she winked, "do tell"

"but-", she protested, "ugh fine... naruto"

"NARUTO?!", three or four voices asked together, bombarding her with questions. hinata looked at her with disdain but said nothing.

"who was yours, y/n sensei?", sakura tried to change the topic

"uchiha shisui", she said, looking away

"wow i half expected it to be itachi", tsunade said honestly

"ew no itachi had his own thing going with that izumi chick", her words slurred a bit, "too bad he killed her. but then i also killed shisui. wow my clan was really fucked up wasn't it?"

everyone else nodded vigorously.

"anyway, tomorrow i'll be hatake y/n", she laid her head on the cold table, holding out a peace sign and smiling dreamily, "finally"

tsunade smiled at how genuinely happy she was.

"at least one of us gets to have a happy ending"

but suddenly the peace was interrupted.

"sakura", hinata addressed

this was enough for everyone to turn her way.

"woah", ino whispered, "did hinata just speak without stuttering?"

"yeah?", sakura looked at her

"you know i like naruto-kun right?", she was expressionless

"yeah i know", she shrugged

"i would appreciate if you could stop being overly mean to him and stop hitting him all the time"

"did she stutter?", y/n interrupted and hinata suddenly looked at her, nervous once again, "oh no hinata don't stop i wanna see what happens"

"i'm not overly mean to naruto", sakura looked confused, "am i?"

"NO YOU-", hinata started talking again, only to stop, "y-you are definitely u-under appreciative of all that he's done for you over the years"

"no i'm not!", she denied indignantly

"yes you are. he's saved your life so many times."

"when?", sakura looked at her wide eyed.

"maybe you don't notice because you're so obsessed with sasuke-kun"

there was pin drop silence.

"SHE DID NOT GO THERE", y/n clapped her hand over the mouth

"if i'm obsessed with sasuke-kun i could say the same about you and naruto", sakura replied, narrowing her eyes

"at least naruto-kun never tried to kill me!", the
hyuga snapped with no hesitation

another long pause followed

"oh my god", tsunade looked at the rest of the group wide-eyed who were not sure on how to react

"girls", y/n interrupted sternly, "stop this pointless cat fight for those two dumb guys"

"but-", sakura interjected angrily

"no buts. naruto is a clueless brat hinata, you need to tell him how you feel. and sasuke is my kid brother sakura, but he's also an ex- s rank criminal. he knows very well how you feel so give him some time."

hinata and sakura looked in opposite directions, huffing childishly.

"you know what's funny?", ino chirped

"yes thank you ino for changing the topic", y/n smiled

"naruto and sasuke's first kiss was with each other"


sakura and hinata faced each other again,

"let's kill her instead", sakura said with a straight face

"i agree"

"ladies and gentlemen, this is an example of using the wrong formula and getting the right answer", y/n held up the back of a fork like a mic

ino ran out of the bar, followed by hinata and sakura, followed by the rest of the group. y/n was practically shaking by now trying to walk straight.

"y/n go home you can hardly walk straight"

"ah that takes me back", y/n sighed, "kakashi used to make sure i couldn't walk straight"

"remember a few seconds ago when i hadn't heard this?", tsunade asked, "good times"

"well, this has been an eventful night", she laughed

"tenten take y/n home", kurenai directed, turning to the uchiha, "get your sleep. it's a big day tomorrow"

"alright kurenai sensei", tenten nodded, taking y/n's arm to walk to her house

they reached the doorstep, and 10-10 knocked on the door slightly. ika had been asleep for a while now.

"kakAshiiiii", y/n whispered in a sing-song voice

the door opened and kakashi looked at her in amusement. he turned briefly to tenten.

"how much did she drink?"

"oh, a LOT", she replied

y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, "i love you. did you know?"

"i know, that's why you're marrying me tomorrow", he tried so hard not to laugh

"wellllll i'll be leaving now", tenten said

"sure thanks", he waved

"come on champ", he let y/n into the house, "let's get you to bed"

"kiss me first", she made sad eyes at him, pulling his mask down

he pressed his lips to hers for a bit, breaking away and laughing. "i can taste the freaking sake. this is tsunade-sama's doing isn't it"

she nodded, burying her face in his neck as he lifted her up and took her to bed.

he set her down and laid down next to her, thinking about all the ways he was gonna make fun of her the next day and turned to face her, kissing the top of her head.

"i love you too"___________________________________

this was entertaining for me to write lmao

sorry for the late -ish update

wtf dudes 77k reads that's insane😭😭

don't forget to vote 😌

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