"do you think it's possible to fall in love with a face you've never seen?"
uchiha y/n, who has walked in Itachi's shadow all her life survives the massacre of her clan. she is left with incredible power and an overwhelming urge to disappear. that i...
"y/n", kurenai waved to the uchiha who was on her way to ichiraku's.
"hey yuhi-chan", she replied, walking upto her, "what's up?"
her expression turned hard and hostile in a fraction of a second. "why didn't you tell me?"
"tell you what?", y/n asked. suddenly it hit her.
"asuma and you", she said, "why is it that you have to have everyone huh? you have kakashi. why him too?"
y/n took a deep breath. "did he tell you why it happened in the first place?"
"i'd heard enough as soon as he told me you both fucked.", she said coldly
"i'm sorry yuhi-chan but you should hear him out. really. i wasn't trying to hurt you and you'll find out that neither was he."
y/n walked away, ignoring the prick kurenai's words had caused her to feel.
"am i a bad person?"
"watch where you're going", a person she'd just bumped into said
she looked up to see possibly the only person that could make her feel better.
"sorry kakashi", she sighed
"woah are you okay? you don't look okay", he said, giving her a hug
"oh it's nothing", she said, "but i think kurenai hates me"
"hates you why? oh", he realised, "she found out huh"
"yup", she said, breaking away from the hug as they began to walk, "i don't even blame her"
"eh i was in the same position as her. she'll come around", he said.
"hopefully", she sighed
just then they took a turn to reach the abandoned alley that they remembered all too well. they passed a building which had a visible crack in it that no one had bothered to repair.
y/n stared at it intently, remembering when kakashi had angrily told her he liked her.
"hey kakashi remember thi-", once again she was cut off by him pinning her to the same spot against that wall.
"of course i remember", he said, tracing her lips with his thumb, "what i really wanted to do that time was this"
he swiftly pulled his mask down, closing the gap between them, pushing her up against the wall more. she eased into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"i will never not be surprised by how good of a kisser he is"
he lifted up her legs, wrapping them around his waist and supporting them with his arms, pulling her closer and pressing his lips to her neck. she let out a soft moan into his ear.
"kakashi sensei?!", a voice behind them made them stop
he instantly pulled his mask back up to face the source of the voice.
"s-sakura", he said, flustered, dropping y/n accidentally
sakura's eyes fell on the person kakashi was with. "Y/N SENSEI?!?!?!"
"what happened, sakura-chan?", another person joined the conversation
"NARUTO YOU'RE BACK", y/n said, changing the topic
naruto ran to her, engulfing her into a hug. "y/n sensei, it's been so long"
"yo", kakashi waved
he looked at her and then at kakashi, "what are you both doing here?"
y/n shrugged
"making out"
--------------------------- happy birthday to the loml kuroo tetsurou
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