(ix) toad sage

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another six months later

"NEXT FIGHT: between uchiha y/n and inuzuka yui of konohagakure"

kakashi had a major case of déjà vu when he saw y/n walk into the field for the last round of the jonin exam. it was twice as tedious as the chunin exam, with more stages and much stronger shinobi as competition. y/n had taken up his advice for the exam, which led to both of them putting in more hours of training.

the on-lookers were surprised for several reasons, voicing their thoughts to one another.

"uchiha? wasn't the whole clan slaughtered?"

"it's that uchiha girl! i've heard of her"

"she's the youngest person taking the exam this year. just 16"

"she's a student of sharingan kakashi now, rumour has it"

observing her opponent intently, y/n noticed a ninja hound accompany her into battle. of course, the trademark of the inuzuka clan. the hound was huge, and so was its owner's ego.

"puny little uchiha girl huh", she said loudly, "i'll crush you"

to her surprise, y/n's lips curled into a smile. not a sincere smile, one with a rather sinister air to it.

"kakashi, is that you?", a voice made the silver haired jonin turn around.

before him stood a man in a red and grey ninja outfit with unmissable long white hair. one of the three legendary sannin.

"jiraiya-sensei? what are you doing in the leaf village?"

"just visiting", he said, turning his attention to the two people on the field. "so that's the rumoured uchiha girl, eh?"


"she a student of yours?", he asked. kakashi nodded, looking at her.

"her opponent is both older and bigger than her. how do you think she'll do?"

"in y/n's case.." he began thoughtfully, "underestimating her will put her opponent at a disadvantage instantly."

y/n glanced his way for a second, causing him to nod in reassurance. then she turned back to the inuzuka girl, instantly awakening her sharingan.

"LET'S GO", yui yelled, "man beast clone!"

at once her hound turned into a human clone. y/n saw the attack coming from a mile away.

"fang over fang!", the opponent yelled, causing two spinning figures to come at her flying. she dodged, landing on her feet as the attack was over.

she bit her finger slightly before laying it on the floor. "Summoning jutsu!"

at once a companion of her own appeared beside her.

"she can summon your ninja dogs, i see", jiraiya remarked. kakashi nodded. it was one of the first things he'd taught her when he found out she didn't have a summoning animal.

one of kakashi's dogs, bull showed up.

"BULL! i need you to handle that inuzuka hound", y/n said. her opponent watched with her mouth open.

the dog barked in response.

y/n now turned her attention to her opponent as a battle between the two hounds ensued. carefully, she accumulated her chakra into one hand, formulating a lightning style attack.

kakashi smiled through his mask.

"chidori!", the uchiha said in a low yet intimidating voice. she ran towards the opposing shinobi and in a flash, struck her with the attack.

her hound, as if sensing its owner's distress, ran away from its own fight to aid its injured master. y/n broke away from the attack, going back to her initial position. bull came and stood next to her.

"thank you, bull. you can go back now.", she smiled at the dog, who wagged his tail a bit before disappearing. cautiously she approached the defeated shinobi, helping the medical ninja carry her onto the stretcher.

"uchiha y/n wins!"

"you fought well", y/n said to the inuzuka

"nothing compared to you", she replied, smiling lightly.

a round of applause was heard around the stadium. kakashi and even jiraiya joined in, impressed.

"kakashi sensei!", she called out as she walked towards the masked ninja

"y/n!", he waved, "well done"

they fist bumped as she smiled at him.

"well done uchiha girl", another voice greeted her

"thank you?..."

"i'm jiraiya"

"JIRAIYA-SAMA?!", she asked in shock

"yes i see you know m-"

"you write those books kakashi sensei keeps reading."

both of them became extremely flustered at the comment.

"how do you know about the books i read?", kakashi asked, astounded

"i'm not a child.", she smirked, drinking some water before pouring the remainder of it on her face that was a bit sweaty and dusty from fighting. the water flowed down to her exposed abs, making kakashi blush lightly. jiraiya tried desperately to hide a nosebleed.

"she's your student", kakashi reminded himself, trying to hide his blush

"don't rejoice just yet y/n. you still have a few fights to go", he said

"i know", she nodded

two more fierce, difficult battles followed. y/n certainly became one to watch. always full of surprises. before the shinobi of other villages realised it, they were rooting for her. crowd favourite.

the second one was particularly difficult. a hidden sand ninja.

y/n finally found herself with an opening to attack and instantly began to gather chakra for a lightning style attack. but instead of the distorted lighting attack chidori, the chakra transformed into a perfect sphere.

"IS THAT RASENGAN?!", jiraiya asked, surprised

"i didn't teach her that," kakashi said, equally shocked

"well of course, because you can't do it", he remarked

y/n walked up coolly after being declared winner.

"how'd you do the rasengan?!"

"that was rasengan???? it happened by mistake"

"HOW DO YOU DO RASENGAN BY MISTAKE?!" kakashi exclaimed, equally surprised and frustrated by her power

"uchiha", jiraiya said, walking ahead, "i can teach you to perfect that"

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now