(xxi) wrong name

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two years later

it had been a year since sasuke started working under orochimaru and naruto went on his three year long training with jiraiya. even sakura, for that matter, was training under tsunade to learn medical ninjutsu.

y/n sat at the edge of her bed, sighing as she recalled the night before. she put on her underwear, her eyes flickering over to the guy in her bed before beginning to get up.

"y/n", a sleepy voice made her turn around

"morning", she said to the now awake person.

he pulled her back into bed, kissing her in a heated manner. she returned it, and their kisses grew more desperate as she edged closer to him. he pinned her to the bed.

lemon warning

"quickie?", he asked, smirking.

she sighed, nodding. he kissed her again, more roughly now, pushing his knee between her legs. she breathed heavily at the sensation, breaking away from the kiss. he took the opportunity to kiss her neck, sucking on it and biting just slightly.

she moaned, getting impatient. she shifted one hand to his boxers, causing his dick to spring free and stroked it, causing him to groan.

"you said quickie", she breathed

that was enough for him to yank her panties down and enter her completely.

"ahh fuck!", she bit her lip, trying to adjust to his size.

he began to move, slowly at first. but the pace soon increased. she moaned a little louder, wrapping her legs around his waist and beckoning him to thrust into her harder.

he obliged, fucking her at a faster pace and going deeper. he felt himself get close to coming soon enough.

"fuck yes kaka-", she covered her mouth when she realised what she'd just said.

he abruptly stopped, frowning at her. "just because you're fucking me to get over kakashi doesn't mean you can moan his name instead of mine"

"i'm sorry i'm sorry", she said, embarrassed that she'd just moaned out the wrong name.

"well you should be", he said, slamming back into her.

y/n cried out at the sudden movement, and he fucked her ruthlessly, making her feel the familiar knot form in her stomach.

he continued thrusting, chasing his high as he groaned. "so fucking tight", he said, panting as his pace hastened.

he pulled out, releasing over her thighs.

she walked into the bathroom, limping a bit, to clean herself up.

end of lemon

suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"y/n!", the voice that made her heart skip a beat sounded from outside.

"oh shit", y/n muttered, beginning to put on clothes. "shit shit shit"

"what happened?", her unknown fuck buddy asked her. she threw his clothes at him.

"asuma get out now. kakashi's here"

adding some spice and drama✨✨

sorry it's a short chapter i wanted to create mystery lmfao jk

also thanks for almost 900 reads already wtf?!

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