(xliii) jealous

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kakashi dragged her by the hand as she struggled to keep up.

"woah there", she remarked, trying to get him to slow down. but he didn't. , "kakashi where are we going?"

he wouldn't reply, leading her into a small space between the raikage's building and another building. it was a snug alley, hidden away from the noise of people chatting as they walked. i don't know what it is with them and abandoned alleys.

"ka-", she was not allowed to complete another syllable as kakashi slammed her against the wall, swiftly pulling his mask down to crash his lips into hers.

smut warning don't ask me why i just felt like it😃😃

his hand held her wrists, probably even bruising them as he pinned them above her head. his tongue pushed itself into her mouth and she felt a certain something poking at her thigh.

"kakashi...", she moaned as she broke away from the kiss, "we're- ah!"

his lips went along her jaw, leaving sloppy kisses as he reached her collarbone. she could feel him sucking and biting occasionally.

"don't leave marks", she hissed, "people will see-"

"let them know you're mine", he whispered, one of his hands reaching under her shirt

"here everyone is preparing for a fucking war and we're hooking up in a public place? damn right we are"

kakashi didn't waste any time, rubbing his semi-gloved hand against her and slightly dropping the sleeve of her top as he continued to kiss the sensitive part above her clavicle.

she tried to stop herself from moaning and failed miserably as he left more hickeys. she was wet and he didn't even do anything yet.

he let go of her hands, promptly turning her around so that her back faced him.

"kakash- oh shi- mmn", she moaned out his name or at least tried to.

"fuck", he whispered, pulling down her shorts.

she hummed, letting out a soft moan in anticipation of what was to come.

"ka-", she was interrupted by kakashi slapping her ass harshly. the sudden sting made her jerk forward and she whimpered.

it was scary to think that anyone could walk in on them at any given moment but for y/n, the thought only made her more wet.

kakashi smoothly sent two fingers into her now, putting his other hand in between her shoulder blades.

"oh fu-", she moaned louder as his fingers thrusted at full speed into her, hitting as deep as their limited length could till they would be replaced by something bigger.

"yeah baby you like that?", he growled, adding a third finger to the party.

"kakashi i'm- ahhh close!", it was highly unlikely that no one must've heard them.

hardly had she said that when he pulled away.

"w-why'd you s-stop?", she asked in disappointment over her ruined orgasm

"you seemed to be enjoying yourself a little too much", he slapped her ass again, making her yelp and he began to unzip his pants, "and i'm not enjoying at all"

she opened her mouth to say something when he came down on her ass again and pushed his tip into her, slowly easing in, making her feel every single inch. it was a miracle she didn't scream from the feeling of ecstasy that it produced.

but to her surprise he didn't give her time to adjust to his size and believe me when i say, there's a lot to adjust to. he pulled out fast, only to slam back in harder, making her cry out. as she looked at him from over her shoulder, she could see anger glisten in his eyes.

"what were you gonna tell him?", he fumed, pulling out to shove himself in again. his nails dug into her hips as any ounce of softness disappeared.

"agh! t-that-", she tried to answer but her focus was entirely on his length. she'd almost forgotten how big he was.

he increased his pace like it was nothing, "were you gonna tell him that you're fucking mine?"

she moaned as the speed at which he moved got faster as well as harder. he spanked her ass again.

"answer me", he said in a deep voice, groaning lightly at how tight she was.

"ahh! of- of course ka-ah!-kashi", she cried out at the sudden surge of pleasure that overpowered the pain.

"say it", he whispered huskily, pulling her hair to bring her face close to his "fucking say it"

"kakashi i-i'm YOURS", she arched her back, biting her lip to the point where it drew blood as she felt him fill her up.

"that's right", he groaned, letting go of her hair and clasping his fingers around her neck "mine and no one else's"

it had been weeks since they'd last done it and she could feel a knot form in her stomach, becoming more apparent with every time he thrust into her.

it really was amazing how he had the power to turn her into a wet, panting mess in a matter of minutes.

kakashi was addicted to the way she tightened around him and he knew for a fact that he wouldn't last longer. he groaned softly, continuing to enter her at a bruising speed.

what finally sent her over the edge was him sucking hard on her neck again, causing her body to writhe in pleasure. he fucked her as her orgasm overwhelmed her, pulling out only when he felt like he was close enough to coming.

he finally released, pulling his pants up and handing her her shorts. as she put them on, she looked at him curiously. something really seemed to be troubling him.

"kakashi?", she caressed his cheek with her thumb as he was still looking down, "what is it?"

he held her hand to his face, kissing her softly

"i'm sorry", he pouted

"hey no, i'm all for quickies like these", she wrapped her arms around his neck, "but what's bothering you so much?"

"i just...", he pressed his forehead to hers, "i just got you back. i don't want you leaving again"

"think about it kakashi.", she smiled, "the only time i actually left you was when i died. what does that tell you?"

"i know", he sighed, "but then he asked you out and i was just jealous"

"i'm not going anywhere", she kissed his cheek and then pulled his mask back up, "and let's go now, tsunade-sama must be looking for us"

they caught upto tsunade and the others.

"what took you both so long?", tsunade asked

"y/n what's that on your neck?", shikamaru asked, even though he knew perfectly what it was

"oh it's- it's just this injury-", a light blush formed on her face

"no one believes that y/n", tsunade said as they continued to walk

just wrote smut for no reason anyway war arc starts in the next chapter <3

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