(lix) katon

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three weeks later

"where are we going?", ikashi asked, holding onto y/n's hand as they walked to the outskirts of the village to a riverside where the uchiha clan originally resided.

"someplace very special to me", y/n replied, "and the perfect place for me to teach you what i'm gonna teach you"

in the weeks that had passed, y/n had spent time teaching ikashi hand signs and the application of chakra. she was actually very surprised at how fast he learned. and so she made the decision to teach him the first jutsu she ever learned.

his eyes looked on eagerly as she drew hand signs, slow enough for him to see them.

"fire style: fireball jutsu"

a huge sphere of fire was created before the little boy. it was the signature jutsu of the uchiha clan, one that was taught to every child very early on.

y/n remembered how angry she had felt when she found out itachi had mastered the jutsu within one minute of seeing how it was done. and she recalled how she'd refused to go back home for three hours, which was the time it took for her to learn to do it flawlessly.

ikashi suddenly grew serious at the sight of the jutsu, evidently thinking about something else entirely.

"ikashi?", y/n questioned

"can i see the hand signs once more?", he asked

"horse, serpent, ram, monkey, boar, horse, tiger", she said, slowly doing the signs for him again.

he nodded confidently. "i got it"

"you did?", she questioned

"i think so", he replied

"let's see it then"

he recalled the hand signs she'd given him, channelling his chakra like she had taught him to a few days before.

"fire style: fireball jutsu", he said, producing a small fireball above the surface of the water. it was leagues below y/n's of course, but not bad for his first try.

"you're gonna be a great shinobi", she said, patting his back in approval.

"y/n!", a voice called out from behind her

"shika nee-san!!!", ika ran towards him

shikamaru gave her a look before greeting ikashi.

"what is it?", she asked

"hokage-sama is calling you", he said quietly

"ikashi", y/n kneeled beside him, "i'll be back okay?"

ika nodded, enthusiastic to go back and practice the first jutsu he would ever learn. he dragged shikamaru along as y/n turned to go to the hokage's office.

"yes kakashi?", she asked, walking into the office.

"how can she call hokage-sama by his first name?", a whisper made her turn her head.

three teenage shinobi stood before her. two boys and a girl.

the girl had just made the remark while fluttering her eyes at kakashi. y/n gave her a confused look.

time had gone by exactly the same way. where kakashi worked late nights, and she was on missions during the few times that he was home early. they kept missing each other somehow.

kakashi cleared his throat, "you three, meet y/n"

they nodded in acknowledgement, and y/n smiled at them. the girl went back to staring at kakashi.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now