(lxii) shika-tema

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two years later

"you ready?", y/n asked, fiddling with shikamaru's tie

"why is this whole thing such a-", he whined

"drag, i know", she chuckled, "at least don't say that on your wedding day dumbass"

"tch, whatever", he looked in the mirror with her behind him exhaling nervously, "wow so this is actually happening"

"i always knew it was gonna happennnnn", she said dramatically

"as if", he rolled his eyes

"you really got TEMARI be thankful", she narrowed her eyes at him

"yeah don't worry i am"

"anyway we should be going now-"

"hey listen y/n", he stopped her


"uhhhh", he tried to find the right words, "thank you"

she raised her eyebrows, "for what?"

"for always being there, i guess", he looked away, "for being my mentor, for being there after asuma died, after dad was gone"

"you don't have to thank me", she smiled, putting her hands on his shoulders, "you were there for me too ya know. more times than i can count."

"yeah but still", he nodded, "thank you"

she turned to him, pulling him into a brief hug so he wouldn't see her tearing up.

"come on, everyone's waiting", she mumbled.

they walked out of the house to meet with choji and choji. to the crowd that was some distance away. ikashi seemed to be talking to a black haired girl about his age.

she smiled, gesturing him to come over to where she was.

"oh mom?", ika came up from behind her, "what's up"

"not much", she said, "so you made a friend huh. mirai?"

"yeah", he shrugged, "she's cool"

"oh really?", she folded her arms

"i mean even though i'm better than her at everything", he added

"don't get overconfident just cause you graduated out of the academy before her you brat", she flicked his forehead.

thanks to kakashi's immaculate genes, ika-chan had been chosen to graduate out of the academy early and become a genin at the age of seven.

y/n now turned to temari, who was looking so gorgeous right now it was almost unfair.

"y/n san hi!!", she gave her a hug

"long time huh", she hugged her back, chuckling as they pulled away

"how are you?"

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