(xx) kabuto

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"y/n!", kakashi called out as he stood under her house, waiting for her. it was time for them to leave and for the first time, he was on time and she was late.

"yeah i'm here", y/n said, jumping off from her balcony to land next to him.

"what took so long?", he asked

"nothing", she said, as if she hadn't gotten just an hour of sleep, "let's go"

they set off, not interacting much because they'd only just woken up and they both weren't morning people. by the end of the day, they'd covered more than half the distance.

just then they found their path blocked by a hooded figure. it was a boy with grey hair and glasses, his appearance seemingly innocent unless you knew exactly who he was.

"kabuto", y/n realised out loud

"right, you work for orochimaru", kakashi said, unimpressed

"i'm sorry, i can't let you reach the hideout", kabuto said in a friendly voice, "you'll have to go through me"

"fine by me", y/n said, awakening her sharingan. "fire style: fireball jutsu"

"water style: water wall", kabuto countered. kakashi used this time to reach behind him, striking him.

"raikiri", he said as he hit kabuto, but found out that he'd substituted himself.

kabuto showed up behind y/n, which she noticed and formed a rasengan but unfortunately didn't turn around in time.

both of them struck each other at the same time, falling behind from the impact as soon as they did.

blood sputtered from her mouth and stomach. orochimaru's lackey lay unconscious a few feet away, unable to move.

"y/n!", kakashi ran to her, catching her before she fell. he used one hand to support her head and laid her upper body on his lap.

"no no no this can't be happening. not her too",he thought to himself, desperately trying to keep a cool head

"kakashi", she whispered, coming out of the shock of getting hit and realising what was happening.

"don't try to talk", he instructed, his other hand shifting to the wound across her stomach.

she nodded, closing her eyes as she gripped on his shoulder.

"oh fuck", she breathed, wincing at the pain and burying her head into his neck.

"it's okay", he reassured, quickly taking out a bandage to dress the wound. "you're okay"

he was done a few minutes later. y/n slowly tried to get up but sat back down, groaning at the shooting pain. kakashi put her arm over his shoulder, gripping her waist tightly for support.

"you can leave me here, you know", y/n said, "go ahead to confirm if it's orochimaru's hideout."

"as your former sensei i'm disappointed", kakashi said, refusing to let go of her, "have you forgotten what i told you about abandoning your teammates?"

"those who break rules are scum, but those who abandon their teammates are worse than scum", she recalled, smiling a bit.

"so you know there's no way in hell i'm leaving you here. and besides, kabuto showing up was all the confirmation we needed.", he said flatly, now hauling her up in his arms.

"dreamy", she thought as she looked at him before snapping back to reality, "bitch you're literally bleeding to death now is not the time"

she wrapped both her arms around his neck as they set off in the opposite direction and he carried her carefully.

he hurried back to the leaf village, going straight to the hospital to get y/n checked out. he then went to the hokage's office.

"yes kakashi", tsunade asked as he walked in. she noticed his jonin vest and gloves stained with blood and a worried look on his face. "where is y/n?"

"hospital. she's injured.", he said.

tsunade got out of her chair at once, walking to the hospital herself.

"hokage-sama!", the medical ninja on her way to see y/n gasped

"uchiha y/n. where is she?", she asked sharply

"follow me", she motioned, leading tsunade and kakashi to a bed where she lay.

"i can take it from here", the hokage said, walking upto y/n to take off the bandage which had now been bled through.

"oh hi tsunade-sama", y/n said in a low voice as tsunade examined the wound.

"hello", she hummed, beginning to concentrate her chakra and effortlessly heal her

"oh wow, the greatest medical nin in the world is here to treat me", the uchiha giggled, feeling much better as the bleeding began to stop and the pain began to subside.

tsunade smiled, "take it easy for a week or two, okay?"

"i will", y/n nodded. the hokage left the room. she let out a heavy sigh, feeling a little better now.

"kakashi pass me my waist pouch will you?", she asked.

he nodded, handing it to her from a corner. to his utter surprise she removed an icha icha book from it, beginning to read it.

noticing his expression, she smirked. "your fault for getting me into them in the first place bakashi-sensei"

"my fault", he agreed, sitting down next to her and taking out his own book to read.

"why are you sitting here? aren't you tired?", she asked

"not in the least", he replied, not looking up from his book.

is having a hangover from crying too much a real thing?

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now