(xiv) tsukuyomi

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"y/n", itachi said in a disinterested tone

every muscle in the girl's body froze. for years she'd thought of exactly what she would say to him when she saw him but her mind went blank. she couldn't think, let alone form a sentence.

"what are you doing here itachi?", kakashi spoke, noticing y/n's defeated expression.

"unfortunately, we can't let you both go further with those rogue ninja", he replied, not taking a second to interact with his estranged best friend.

"what is it you want?", kakashi asked

the guy standing next to itachi reached a realisation. "so she's that best friend from back home?", he asked. he had pale blue skin, with a large sword and a shark like appearance.

"he talked about me?", she thought, trying to pull herself together.

"that's her", itachi said, before facing y/n again. "we have orders to take these ninja with us. to the akatsuki"

"well we can't allow you to do that", kakashi said, revealing his sharingan again. itachi did the same.

y/n gritted her teeth, discarding her thoughts before also revealing her sharingan.

"i feel kinda left out. all of y'all have sharingan", itachi's partner, kisame said

"tell me about it", one of the captive rogue ninja said

"for a clan that has supposedly gone extinct, there sure seems to be plenty of sharingan to go around"

"wait you're sharingan kakashi!", the shark boy realised

"why does this happen every chapter", y/n sighed, beginning to awaken her mangekyou just in case. "you can still come back to the village itachi"

"and who says i want to?", he questioned defensively, while he thought something he dared not say,

"god i've missed you y/n"

"i know you want to", she replied. she knew him. better than almost anyone. anyone who was alive anyway. she tried desperately to find a shred of the old itachi she knew, just so she could continue to believe in him.

as if itachi sensed this, he softened his gaze for a split second, just long enough for nobody but her to see him. it killed him. it killed him to not be able to hug her, and tell her how sorry he was for abandoning her and leaving her with nothing. what he didn't know was that all of that was conveyed to her in that one look he gave.

"well we're not handing over the rogues so-", kakashi was cut off by kisame running towards the two. y/n stared at him, trapping him in a genjutsu.

and it was no ordinary genjutsu either.

"tsukuyomi!", she yelled, bringing him to the terrible illusion that was nicknamed the 'nightmare realm'. he screamed, as she tortured him mercilessly.

itachi, who was coming at kakashi with the intent to kill, had been thrown off by y/n using his signature genjutsu but quickly regained his focus.

kakashi began to attack him when kisame, who had been under genjutsu for just a minute, was so scarred by it that he became unconscious once y/n broke the genjutsu.

she shot the fallen akatsuki member a cold look before returning to kakashi's side, ready for itachi to attack.

but to their surprise, he picked up his fallen teammate and looked straight at the captive rogues, instantly putting them in a genjutsu.

"this never happened", he said flatly, looking at y/n and kakashi. "we didn't find you both, hurry up and leave. take these fools with you."

taken aback at this, they agreed immediately and y/n's suspicions suddenly became reality. there's no way he could've killed everyone close to him out of his own will. a surge of hatred hit her as she thought about the people at the leaf that had ordered him to tear his life apart for their sake.

"y/n", itachi said in a low voice


to kakashi's surprise, he hugged her. "it's good to see you", he mumbled

she hugged him back after registering what had just occurred, feeling her hatred intensify. soon he pulled away.

"itachi.....", kakashi went deep into thought, piecing together what had just occurred.

"and y/n", itachi said, "please don't tell sasuke you saw me"

she nodded, breathing shakily as they left. she didn't say a word the whole way back to the village. kakashi didn't try to talk either.

they made it back to the village and the hokage sent four ninja on another mission to deliver the rogues to the hidden stone.

she walked to her apartment, putting her face in her hands as she sat down on her bed.

the copy ninja started to go in the direction of his house but changed his mind, wanting to check on y/n.

he knocked on her door. startled by the noise, she opened her door to see him.

"you okay?", he asked, looking at her expressionless face.

"mhmm", she nodded, trying to convince god knows who. not buying it, he hugged her anyway. just in case.

she returned it, and he hugged her tighter.

"i have a question", she said into the hug


"what's under that mask kakashi?"

"welllll", he said, breaking the hug and pulling down the fabric from his face

"under the mask is another mask"

i saw fanart of kakashi if he was an akatsuki member and boom

---------------------------i saw fanart of kakashi if he was an akatsuki member and boom

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bruh he would make the best villain honestly wtf.

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