(lviii) ika-chan

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two years later

"mommy!", the small, grey haired boy called out as she walked home, weary after a mission kakashi had assigned to her.

all her students had been taking turns babysitting ika in the meantime. it was pretty convenient.

"ika-channnn", the uchiha lifted him up as he clutched her shoulders tightly

"naruto nee-san taught me something while you were gone", he said excitedly

"what did he teach you?", she asked, amused

he got out of her arms as she put him down, running through the house to one corner where kakashi kept spare kunai.

"ika?", she asked curiously as he looked like he was deep in thought, staring at a small target naruto had set up.

he sent it flying, and it landed on the target, even though it was way off the bullseye.

"tch", she sighed, "not like that"

"no!", he hid the knife as she tried to take it from him, "i have to keep practising till i can hit the centre!"

she picked up one of the kunai lazily, looking at him and hitting the target perfectly with a flick of her wrist. this was enough for ika to look at her in awe with stars in his eyes.

"mommy!!", he asked restlessly, "show me how!!"

"maybe some other time", she smiled, laying back on the cold floor

"NOOOOO", he climbed on top of her, "NOWWW"

"you wanna learn that badly huh", she chuckled, "alright"

"YAYYYY", he yelled

"okay throw it for me again", she directed

he did as followed, and she observed carefully.

"now", she handed him another knife, holding his hand to tighten his grip on it, "focus on the centre"


"are you focusing?"

he nodded

"good", she took his hand back, "let go on the count of three"


"one, two, three", she guided his hand forward firmly as he let go of the knife at an angle, hitting the target perfectly


"now try it out for yourself", she said seriously

he took a deep breath, replicating her steps carefully and then threw the knife. y/n's words got stuck in her throat as she looked where the knife had landed.

right at the centre.

"well, he does have uchiha blood after all. this is to be expected."

"that's my boy", she high fived him as he gave her a bright smile.

the door opened and closed with a faint voice making a declaration that he was home.

"what's going on here?", kakashi asked


he looked at y/n as if to say 'huh'

"naruto", she replied

"ohHhhhhh", he observed ika as he narrowed his eyes at the target before hitting the centre yet again

"SEE?!", ika begged for a reaction, which he got as kakashi complimented him.

"he's good", y/n whispered

"yeah", kakashi sighed, putting his head in her lap, clearly exhausted from sitting in a chair all day

"how was work?", she asked, playing with his hair.

"the same", he yawned, "it was okay. good work on the mission by the way."

"I HAVE DECIDED", ika interrupted them



"is that so?", y/n asked, "why?"

"because", he fiddled with the kunai in his hands, "i want to be like naruto nee-san"

"you can become whatever you want ikashi", kakashi said firmly

"then i want to become a shinobi NOW", he replied, running circles around his parents, "PLEASEEEEE"

"you definitely won't become one now", y/n laughed, "maybe some day though"

"what about sending him to the academy?", kakashi asked, "i could talk to iruka you know"

"well", she said, "even if you talk to iruka, i don't want him to get any special treatment. he can give the entrance exam. if he passes, great. if he fails, that's that. i can train him if i have the time. at least the basics."

"i agree", he smiled

"so how-", y/n began to speak but stopped when she saw kakashi had already fallen asleep in her lap.

this was not the first time this had happened. he often fell asleep as soon as he got home, evidently from trying hard to keep up with the paperwork which was now steadily increasing as the village got more progressive every day.

he didn't spend that much time with both of them. it wasn't that he didn't want to. it was just... the side effects of being the hokage.

she slowly shook him to wake him up. "kakashi.. you haven't eaten"

"later", he mumbled as his head turned in her lap and he exhaled heavily.

y/n had also begun to feel the strain of the lack of time she got with kakashi. she knew and understood more than anyone what the job of the hokage entailed. which is why she felt guilty even asking for attention.

she could see that he was already overworking himself, which was very uncharacteristic of him. and she didn't want to add to his stress any further or make him worried about her.

it had been months since they'd even spent a few hours together consecutively. of course, she still loved him more than anything and that would never change.

but she was beginning to crave him. in every way possible. she did not remember the last time they fucked.

the days where they took risks like hooking up in abandoned alleys were gone. and slowly, it was beginning to get to her.

but for now, she shrugged it off, smiling at ika and instructing him to go to bed immediately with the promise to teach him more about being a shinobi in the days to come.


angsty tones ft. 2 year old ikashi


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