(xxiv) snap

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a few weeks had passed since the whole kakashi-y/n-asuma drama. as much as y/n wanted to believe that everything was alright, it wasn't so.

kakashi was acting distant. it wasn't that he wanted to, he didn't even realise he was doing it.

they just... ended up not talking as much as they did, despite acting like nothing was wrong.

"hey kakashi", y/n walked over to him on her way to tsunade

"hello", he said, kind of politely

no other words were exchanged. y/n felt a sense of frustration and anger at this. kakashi was the one person she'd gotten close to after itachi. losing him, gradually drifting apart from him was not in her plan and she hated it.

tsunade had noticed this too. she didn't want to push them to be together but both of them made a great team, and she didn't want that to change. she sent them on a few missions together too but that didn't seem to have any effect.

kakashi and y/n walked out of her office after being assigned yet another mission together.

"we leave tomorrow at 6", kakashi said, beginning to walk away when y/n held his wrist to stop him.

"did i do something wrong?", she asked

"uh, no why?", he replied

"oh come on kakashi, nothing is the same", she said

"you think so?"

"you know it's true."

he began to walk away, saying nothing was wrong but she followed him till they were out on the street.

"what did i do?", she asked again

"nothing, you did nothing", kakashi kept his anger at bay. he didn't wanna let the asuma thing affect him but it was, and he wasn't able to repress his feelings like he usually did. so he started walking away again.

"stop walking away from me! why are you being like this?", she asked, as they entered a more abandoned lane

"y/n", he said as calmly as possible, "please stop. don't make me say anything i'll regret"

"no!", she replied, stopping him by holding his arm, "no i won't stop! tell me why. is it because of asuma?"

kakashi snapped at the mention of asuma's name. "YES Y/N IT'S ABOUT HIM. THANK YOU FOR FINALLY REALISING", he yelled

y/n was taken aback, to say the least. she never saw him so visibly angry. hell, she never saw him yell. "i'm sorry kakashi-"

"i know", he cut her off, "i know i said it was okay. that everything was fine. guess what, it isn't."

"WHY KAKASHI?", it was y/n's turn to yell now, "IF YOU SAID IT WAS OKAY WHY CANT EVERYTHING BE OKAY- ah!"

she was caught off guard by kakashi pinning her to the wall of a building they were close to. no one was around. he was dangerously close to her, looking straight into her eyes. she could feel his breath on her neck through his mask.

he suddenly punched the wall behind her, making her flinch at the movement. a visible crack formed where his fist had been.

"damn it y/n don't you get it?", he said in a slightly shaky voice, "i like you. not as my student, or a teammate, or my friend. as something very very different. i fell for you hard and it just fucking hurts sometimes. that's all."

y/n didn't know what she had expected but it wasn't this. she felt her body go numb and mind go blank. she had no idea whatsoever how to react.

"he....he......he shares your feelings. say something. SAY ANYTHING Y/N FORM A FUCKING WORD. TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM.", she scolded herself, but her body didn't respond

kakashi felt his heart get heavier from disappointment at her lack of reaction. "so she doesn't feel the same way huh"

"i'm sorry", he said, softening his tone and moving away from her, "i'm sorry i didn't mean to get angry. i'll just.... go"

"no, kakashi wait..", she whispered

"it's okay. i understand", he said, walking away

IM SORRY but this is where i'm ending the chapter.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now