(xii) gold

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post the zabuza and haku arc

y/n walked upto Ichiraku ramen, sitting down and giving her usual order when another member of team 7 sat down next to her.

"yo y/n sensei!", she turned to see naruto

"oh my god, sensei sounds so old. what's up naruto?", she asked

"you're sasuke's nee-chan?", he questioned curiously

"i mean, sort of yeah"

"i don't like him", he said, taking a bite of his ramen, "i'll surpass him one day, and become hokage!"

she nodded, amused. "why do you want to become the hokage?"

"well", he looked down a little sadly, "maybe then i'll finally get everyone to acknowledge me"

she clapped a hand on his back. "you'll do well, i'm sure"

his face lit up, and he gave a smile. "thank you, y/n-sensei"

"wow this kid really has no one huh?", she thought to herself. "maybe i have it easier"

"y/n? hokage sama has called you and naruto", a voice from behind her said


she showed up at the office to find team 7 there, along with the team 10. they consisted of asuma and the new ino-shika-cho trio.

she waved towards them coolly, walking into the room.

"yes lord third?", she asked

"y/n, i'm appointing you as kakashi's deputy for team 7"

she nodded, smiling a bit. "thank you"

"yesssss y/n senseiiii", naruto jumped

"anyway", the hokage interrupted them, "you are to go on a mission with team 10. it's a C-rank mission"

"FINALLY A GOOD MISSION!", naruto exclaimed

"at least hear what the mission is first", sasuke said quietly

"is anyone going to let me talk", hiruzen sighed, making everyone pay attention to him. "a group of merchants are transporting numerous carts of gold to the village hidden in the stars. the village leader, hoshikage, doesn't have enough shinobi to guard the merchants and has turned to us for assistance. i'm sending team 7 and team 10 on a mission to guard this fleet and make sure it gets to the village safely. you all have to be at the gold mine two days from now"

everyone synced 'yes' before leaving the room, agreeing to meet at the village entrance in about an hour. y/n went to her apartment, wearing her waist pouch and the gloves kakashi had bought her as a gift for her promotion to jonin. then she tied her leaf headband around her arm.

"come on, sasuke", she said to the other uchiha, who nodded. he had become very quiet since the massacre. didn't talk much, not even to y/n, who was practically the only one who looked after him. he spent a lot of his time training. probably the only thing he actually was vocal about was that he would one day kill his older brother.

he didn't even say it like it was a dream. more like it was something inevitable, something he would pass any limit to get to.

y/n's words had no particular influence on him. and it was because itachi had made sure of it when he left the village, telling sasuke to hate him, resent him and let the hatred make him grow stronger.

all she could do was try her best to not let him get pulled in by the darkness.

they walked to the village entrance to meet with the rest of the team for the mission. soon everyone had gathered and the only person left to arrive was kakashi.

"where's kakashi?", asuma asked to the rest of the team members

"late again", y/n shook her head, "i'll go get him"

she ran to his house, knocking furiously on his door. he opened the door, not looking up for a second, engrossed in reading his book.

"KAKASHI SENSEI", y/n brought him back from the make out paradise that he was in.

he jumped at the noise. "oh it's just you"

"have you seen the time?", she asked

"oh OH shi-"

"be ready in two minutes or i'm gonna tell you what happens at the end of the book"

"WHY DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END OF THE BOOK", he ran back in, getting ready hurriedly

she smirked. "that's for me to know and for you to find out"

kakashi blushed again, hiding his face even more as he walked out of his house.

they were back at the village entrance in a flash.

"wow y/n really has a talent", asuma remarked

the team set off for their destination, deciding on the distance they were gonna cover for the day before stopping at an inn.

"are we gonna stop at the one with hot springs? please say yes", sakura and ino asked

"okay, yes..?", kakashi said

they cheered in response.

a few hours later they arrived at the inn. incidentally, it had hot springs which were co-ed.

everyone headed straight there.

"thank god jiraiya-sama isn't here", y/n remarked

kakashi chuckled, taking off his shirt but leaving his mask on. y/n had always wondered what lay under the mask, but had literally never asked him about it. well, some other time.

he walked out into the hot springs, and she found herself looking at extremely toned back muscles and arms.

"damn he's hot", she thought to herself before realising what she'd just thought. "DID I JUST SAY HOT?! I THINK HE'S HOT?!?!?!?!"

she discarded the thought, walking out in a towel, getting into the water near the copy ninja, who was trying desperately not to stare.

kakashi had never been more grateful for his mask.

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