(lv) the problem

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the next day

"hokage-samaaaaa", y/n burst into the hokage's office to see her mans, "we're getting married todayyyyy"

"please", kakashi sighed, "at least you should stop calling me that it's so weird"

"i will call you whatever i want", she giggled, turning her gaze towards the baby in her arms, "isn't that right ika? i'll call daddy whatever i want"

"woah", he got weirdly flustered, "s-shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"shouldn't YOU?!", she countered, "a lot of people from other villages are coming over you know"

"hokage-sama!", they were joined by a generic leaf shinobi

"what is it?", he asked

"a man has appeared at the gate stating that he planted a bomb in the village"

"SERIOUSLY?!", y/n gasped, "on our wedding day? damn."

"really?", kakashi asked, "it could be a bluff"

"why risk it?", y/n asked

"we'll take care of it. in the meantime, please don't tell anyone else about this", kakashi assured the shinobi, who nodded and left, "y/n my love?"

"yes, hokage-sama?", she asked innocently

"check it out, will you? and report back to me", he said, "let me hold ika in the meantime"

"rest assured", she winked, "i'll see you in a bit. bye ikashiii"

y/n walked along the road to the village entrance to see who had dared to disrupt the peace, especially today.

she had trained as much as she could in her free time to regain her strength after she had ika. and it had worked out for the most part. her powers were steadily returning.

she now spotted the man at the gate, who matched the description the shinobi had given back at the office.

his face was barely visible, covered by a hood and a somewhat sinister grin adorned the part of his face that could be seen. creep.

"you're the guy with the bomb?", y/n casually asked

"who are you?", he asked

"i asked the first question, genius", she said

the man now lifted his hood up, giving her a wide, psychotic smile. he had a scar across his right cheek, blue eyes and black hair. it wasn't a face she recognised in any way.

"who are YOU?", she asked, patiently

"i wish to see the hokage", he said plainly

"and if i refuse?"

"the village will be destroyed"

"you think a bomb threat will scare me?", she questioned

"it should", he said

"maybe there's no bomb at all", she shrugged, "why would i take your word for it?"

"y/n sensei?", an interruption caused her to turn around

"naruto hello", she greeted him as if nothing was wrong

"is everything okay?", he asked, looking suspiciously at the man behind her

"yes", she nodded, "i need a favour though"

"what is it?", he asked

she turned back to the man as she spoke, "send me a member of the hyuga clan"

"sure i'll find hinata", he nodded slightly. he felt some sort of uneasiness but said nothing.

"tch you have some guts, attacking the leaf village, of all places", she got a little impatient now, "the boy you saw just now saved the shinobi world a few months ago. are you suicidal?"

"intimidation doesn't work on me", he said

"you have two options", she said, "either you tell me what your purpose is or"

she smirked, "or die"

"i have one purpose only", he said, "to cause damage to the five great nations"

"y/n sensei you called?", another interruption to the conversation

"ah yes, hinata", y/n smiled at her, "meet this man"

he looked at both of them confusedly

"he claims he's planted bombs in the village"

"h-he what?!", she exclaimed

"you know what to do", y/n chirped

she nodded, gaining a little confidence and turned her gaze towards the village.


"do you want to tell me the location before she finds the bombs?", y/n asked

"even if you find the bombs, i can set them off anytime", the man grinned, "what's the point"

"tch", y/n sighed, "i just wanted to make sure you weren't lying"

"i know that important people from all five nations will be coming here for the hokage's wedding", he said cockily, "do you think this is a coincidence?"

"wow", she remarked, "you know all that but you don't know who the hokage is marrying"

she finally activated her sharingan smoothly.

"why is that relevant?", he questioned

"y/n sensei i found them", hinata said, "there are three"


"one is at the academy, one at the wedding venue and one..."


"one in the hokage's building"


pffft i wanted to write a nice fluffy wedding scene but i thought it would be boring so here ya go

sorry i've been swamped with work the last week. hence the late update. :/

also who is this random dude who wants to blow everyone up.

you shall see.

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