(xlv) susanoo

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"y/n", he smiled that amazing smile of his. she remembered it as if it were yesterday.

"but.... but how?", she whispered.

the rest of the people in her command were mere spectators now, unaware of the years of history between the two. a few seemed to recognise him.

"is that shisui of the body flicker?"

"he's a legend!"

she knew she would have to fight him because of the reanimation but she wasn't so sure she would be able to.

"come on y/n you know how", shisui sighed.

kakashi, having defeated edo tensei zabuza and haku now reached here with his section of command.

"i missed you", shisui said simply

she smiled, "me too"

kakashi gave her a quizzical look which she didn't seem to notice. all she was focusing on right now was a strategy to defeat him. she knew it wasn't going to be easy.

"i didn't think this was how we would meet again", he said

"but now that we're here, i've grown a lot since you last saw me", she smirked

"and i don't doubt that in the slightest", he said.

kakashi came forward, meaning to attack him but y/n held his arm. her eyes stayed on shisui as she awakened her mangekyou.

"let me handle this", she said, "trust me"

he took a step back. "are you sure?"

she nodded. "this is my fight."

"okay y/n it's time", shisui said, awakening his mangekyou as well.

in a matter of seconds, he formed a green susanoo, his signature. gasps were heard as it slowly evolved.

the shinobi besides kakashi and y/n began to retreat as he charged towards them when a loud crash was heard.

slowly they turned around to see y/n and kakashi, protected by her susanoo with its signature black colour.

(high-key disappointed that no one in naruto has a black susanoo that would be so fuckin cool)

"y/n-taichou", a new kind of whispers were heard, "she sure is formidable!"

"of course! there's a reason she was chosen to lead."

"susanoo? i'm impressed", shisui laughed.

"you haven't seen the half of it", she said confidently.

the two susanoo were now fighting against one another and the chakra that radiated from the clash sent trees around them flying.

expressions of awe and admiration were seen on the faces of the spectators.

using susanoo greatly impacted her chakra for some reason which she ignored but kakashi noticed. so he took his hand in hers, lending her his chakra just in case.

she turned to him and smiled, winking before turning back to shisui. the susanoo clashed again, with y/n overpowering shisui this time with kakashi's chakra.

as they fought, tension slowly bubbled between kakashi and shisui. they knew each other, and were aware that each of them held a deep attachment for y/n.

the susanoo stopped and hand to hand combat followed. y/n struck him with a rasengan but the problem with edo tensei is that the dead person re-spawns quickly. so she would have to be quicker.

she continued to be on the offensive, bombarding him with her three changes in chakra nature: fire, wind, lightning. her movements were so fluid it was almost unbelievable.

but suddenly, shisui stopped attacking completely.

"huh?", y/n looked at him

he just walked towards her slowly, not saying a word.

"shisui?", she asked again, staying on guard

and before she knew it, he was hugging her. "it's been too long y/n"

she melted into his touch. all the memories she had of him, all the feelings gushed back.

"i'm so confused", she mumbled

"i broke kabuto's jutsu. i'm no longer under his control", he said as he pulled away

"that's possible?", she asked in amazement

"if anyone can do it it's him", kakashi said, "i remember you, shisui of the body flicker"

"so do i", he replied, "the copy ninja"

kakashi's hand was holding y/n's again now. shisui's eyes lingered at this for a few seconds before smiling.

"are you okay?", he asked her, with an obvious signal towards kakashi.

she nodded, bottom lip trembling. "of course."

she looked up at him and smiled, threatening to cry. she held kakashi's hand tighter.

"anyway", shisui grinned, "i'm on your side now. so give me a command."

"we have orders to head to where the first division is", kakashi said, "the zetsu over there are overpowering the force along with two brothers kinkaku and ginkaku. and a few other reanimated people."

kakashi didn't mention who one of the reanimated people was. nevertheless, they began moving. shisui stayed with y/n as they ran, quickly filling himself in on all that he had missed.

"so you and kakashi huh?", he enquired teasingly

"for a while now", she replied, smiling

"isn't he like wayyy older than you?", he asked

"well yeah....", her voice trailed off, "but i love him"

"i'm happy you're happy", he said, looking down, "ah well, i couldn't expect you to wait for me your whole life now could i?"

"i'm sorry", she gave him a softened look

"come on y/n, don't apologise for being happy", he said, "i'm just a dead person"

she smiled, "not just any dead person. but i get your point"

shisui stopped in his tracks for a second. "y/n"

"hmm?", she turned around


"what is it?"

"nothing... your chakra seems different than i last remember it"

it might not seem like it but the last line is actually relevant to the next few chapters.


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