(xxxvi) itachi

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one week later

"uchiha y/n!", tsunade yelled in fury, "WHY ARE YOU LATE?"

"i'm not THAT late tsunade-sama", y/n calmed her down without trying, "why'd you want to see me?"

the hokage rolled her eyes before continuing in a serious tone, "i'm entrusting a mission to you"

"what is it?"

a little hesitantly she began, "we know the meeting point of the sasuke and itachi"

y/n gulped, "why are you telling me this?"

"i have a team of chunin ready", tsunade paid no attention to her question, "you are to head the team. guide them to the location. and coerce them to stop the fight."

"tsunade sama", the uchiha took a deep breath, "why me?"

"because you're one of my best jonin. one i trust with my life", the hokage replied

"that's not it", y/n said in an annoyed tone, "give me an actual reason. do you want to test my loyalties? as the last remaining uchiha of this village? is that it?"

"i just said i trust you with my life y/n", tsunade claimed firmly, "that's not something you're supposed to just discard!"

"that's overcompensation tsunade-sama. tell me why", the jonin replied, not budging from her doubts for one second.

"BECAUSE, YOU STUBBORN BRAT", tsunade yelled, "from the long overdue battle between the uchiha brothers, at least one is bound to die"

y/n paused, not believing what she'd just heard.

"tsunade sama....", she looked at her apologetically

"i don't want you to lose more people close to you", tsunade said regretfully, "and the only reason i'm granting you this kindness... is because as i said, i trust you with my life."

"i will never break your trust", y/n pledged, moved beyond words by how much tsunade cared about her "for as long as i live"

tsunade nodded, her lips curling into a small smile. a knock was heard at the door.

"looks like the chunin are here"

y/n turned around, looking at the three chunin in surprise. "you're my team?"

ino, shikamaru and choji. the ino-shika-cho. ino and choji nodded. shikamaru just smirked.

"village entrance", y/n said in an authoritative tone, "in 15 minutes"

the three chorused 'yes' before walking out of the room

y/n turned to tsunade. "did you purposely send kakashi on a different mission? you know he wouldn't approve of this right?"

"it doesn't matter whether he approves or he doesn't", tsunade leaned back in her chair, "i'm the hokage, not him"

y/n smiled, "thank you for this"

she nodded, and y/n left the room.

a little while later the four were off, heading in the direction of the assigned location.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now