(xxiii) sake and shogi

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"yo", tsunade said, calling for a bottle of sake.

"hello" kakashi replied, regaining his laid back, chill persona

"i never see you around here. what's the matter?"

"nothing, just felt like drinking", he said, shrugging

"it's y/n isn't it?", she asked suddenly

"w-what makes you say that?", he asked

"for starters, you stuttered when i asked you and you never stutter. plus, just a gut feeling".

"fine it's y/n", he said, resting his face in his hand

"you like her don't you?"

"i don't know"

"you do know, you just don't wanna admit it", tsunade said, finishing her drink, "i don't blame you"

"what do you mean?", he asked curiously

"no i'm just saying", she said, "who wouldn't fall for a young, powerful, hot kunoichi, an uchiha at that, who can somehow do medical ninjutsu when she's drunk?"

"that's true", he smiled before focusing on the last part, "wait, she can do medical ninjutsu when she's drunk?"

"ah so you didn't know that about her", she smiled

"no", he replied, "but how do you know?"

"long story", she said, "anyway, what did she do?"

"it's none of my business", he replied

"you're way better than asuma, kakashi", she said, smirking

"HOW DO YOU KNOW EVERYTHING", kakashi let out an exasperated sigh

"well cause i'm the hokage. and from what i know, she didn't even like him"

"hmmm", he nodded, "asuma's my friend"

"i know. you should tell her how you feel", she said

"i think i'm gonna get going, hokage-sama", he said, wanting to avoid that conversation

"fine, your choice", she replied, giggling a bit as he walked away, "someday these two are finally gonna get together"


y/n was now walking around mindlessly. she did leave saying she had work to do but the truth was, she didn't know what else to say to kakashi.

lost in thought, she didn't realise when she reached the part of the village where the nara clan lived.

"y/n-sensei?", a familiar voice made her lips curl into a small smile

"shikamaru", she nodded in greeting

"what are you doing here?", he asked

"ah well, not much. you?"

"asuma-sensei and i were supposed to play shogi. but he cancelled."

"i can play with you, if you want", she offered, feeling a tinge of guilt at the fact that she might've had something to do with asuma's cancellation.

"no it's a drag", he yawned.

she grinned at the boy. it bothered her when someone with so much potential was blocked by his own laziness.

"shut up shikamaru", she put her hands on his shoulders, beckoning him to move forward, "stop being so lazy all the time. you're a chunin. let's go"

he groaned, "don't complain when you lose then"

"i won't", she smiled

half an hour later

"i.....", shikamaru found himself at a loss for words at his defeat

"what was it you were saying about losing?", y/n yawned, "get serious"

"i didn't know you played shogi", he said quietly

"i learned how to play when i was five", she recalled the memory of playing the game with fugaku uchiha and smiled, "but i haven't played in years so i'm a bit rusty"

his mouth hung open, "i really underestimated you huh"

"that's okay, you're used to playing against asuma who sucks at shogi"

he smiled lightly as focused on the strategy she had used, marvelling at the thought process that went into it. he nodded, gaining a little motivation for once in his life.

"alright, one more game", he said, setting the board again

"that's more like it", she nodded. it felt good to get her mind off of kakashi for sometime.

as it turned out, shikamaru defeated her in the very next game. she was impressed, but not surprised at all.

though her intelligence was well above average, he was the kind of genius you get to have the pleasure of seeing once in a lifetime.

"so what's up with you and that sand ninja proctor i saw you with during the new chunin exams? temari, if i'm not mistaken?", she asked, enjoying watching him get all flustered

"n-no nothing", he looked away, a light blush forming on his face

"oh is that so?", she laughed

"shut up", he tried to play it off

"hahah no"

had to mention shika-tema because they're my fuckin OTP.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now