(xxx) asuma

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a few weeks later

y/n lay on the couch that was in kakashi's room at the hospital. she had insisted on staying there till he was discharged even after him continuously saying she didn't need to.

tsunade had decided to cut her some slack and not assign another mission to her till kakashi was out of the hospital unless absolutely necessary. occasionally sakura or naruto would come visit them and so would yamato, who was kakashi's replacement for the time being.

"you weren't kidding. this is actually the best one yet", y/n said, putting the icha icha tactics book down after re-reading it.

"pfft i know right", kakashi said as he sat up in bed. "don't you have a mission?"

"the only mission i have right now is to make sure you drink the miso soup kept over there", she pointed to the bowl on his right

"that's sad", he said, beginning to drink the soup, "aren't you bored?"

"aren't you?", she asked, "and besides, you're getting discharged tomorrow"

"well that's not the point", he sighed, "so what's new in the village?"

"apparently team asuma has encountered two new akatsuki members. hidan and kakuzu. personally i think they should retreat"

"they'll probably be fine"

"wanna know some other gossip?"

"tell me tell me"

"kurenai is pregnant", she exclaimed

"WHAT. how do you know?"

"we're friends again, as you predicted"

"damn. kids. that's big.", he said. his mind suddenly thought about what it would be like to have kids.

"too soon". he shrugged it off

"so what are you doing today?"

"i have to help naruto with his wind style training. the shadow clone technique you suggested is working", she said, getting up

"have fun"

she smiled, sitting by his bed for a second. "you need anything while i'm out?"

he pulled his mask down to kiss her again. "i've kept you from working for long enough. just go"

"you didn't keep me. i wanted to make sure you were okay", she remarked, pecking him again. "bye kakashi"

he sighed, removing a book like usual, "bye y/n"

"sometimes i feel like i don't deserve her"

y/n walked out of the hospital to find yamato getting ready for their training. naruto with his shadow clones was ready too.

"naruto how's it going?"

"it's going great! i'll master it in no time"

she smiled, "no doubt"

he nodded, beginning his practice. his new attack was close to being mastered. rasenshuriken, as he called it.

it went on for a few hours when a random shinobi showed up at the training ground.

"what is it?", y/n asked him. he took a deep breath.

"we have just received news that asuma sarutobi has died on a mission"

sorry extremely small chapter next one will be bigger

i just watched banana fish and the ending i wanna cry wtf

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