(xi) team 7

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"y-you're-", the shinobi in front of the team stuttered in amazement

"yeah he's kakashi the copy ninja can we skip that part please?", y/n said impatiently, "let us meet the tsuchikage"

"don't be so anti-climactic y/n", kakashi laughed

"this mission has gone on forever though", she whined

"you can deliver whatever you want to us. we'll give it to tsuchikage-sama"

"ah see", y/n said, awakening her sharingan, "this isn't a negotiation", she stepped forward but kakashi stopped her

"it's a message from hokage-sama. let us through or you'll regret it. i promise you.", he said calmly

fifteen minutes later

"well that was quick", y/n remarked as the duo walked out of the hidden stone village.

"we have to get back to konoha to meet my new genin", he said, picking up his pace

"i don't understand why hokage-sama keeps sending you more if you're just gonna fail them"

"well, i have valid reasons to fail them. and who knows, maybe this time will be different."

"oh right, my little brother is gonna be there!!", y/n suddenly got excited

"about that, how is he?"

"oh, brilliant. you'll see"

a few hours later they arrived at the hidden leaf, reporting to the hokage's office about the mission.

"ramen?", the copy ninja asked

"sure, but don't you have to meet the genin?"

"eh, they can wait", he replied

"very responsible, kakashi sensei", she said sarcastically

"KAKASHI!", a voice caused the two to turn around

"Guy!", kakashi greeted his 'eternal rival'

"ah y/n!! how's youth going??", he asked, full of excitement

"it's going great", she replied, amused

over the two years that she'd been kakashi's understudy, she'd gotten strong. much stronger than she'd ever thought she'd be. she'd become unlikely friends with her sensei, which surprised many because rarely did she ever warm up to anyone.

and kakashi had become more attached to her than he'd care to admit.

"on second thought, we don't have time, let's go meet your genin", she took his arm, dragging him to the academy.

kakashi smiled, going along without much complaining.

they walked upto the classroom, but as they opened the door a duster fell on kakashi's head. y/n stifled a laugh before trying to make her face more serious.

"ah, nee-chan", sasuke said, getting up from the corner he was sitting in. she waved.

"nee-chan??", a boy with yellow hair asked. the third member of the team, a pink-haired girl, didn't seem to notice y/n as she stared shamelessly at sasuke.

"i'm hatake kakashi", the jonin began, "and i'll be your jonin leader. follow me."

a round of introduction followed.

he led them to the training ground y/n and him generally used and sat the three genin there to explain the situation. he held up two bells.

"your task is to take these bells from me before noon. the person who doesn't get a bell will not be allowed to have lunch, and will go back to the academy. the other two aren't allowed to give the third their lunch either. if they do so, they'll be sent back to the academy too. begin"

"ah shit, here we go again", y/n sat back to watch the same situation unfold for the third time. the last two times she'd been here, the genin had failed. but, hahah, little did she know what this team would eventually become.

she sat in a corner, slyly reading one of kakashi's books that she took without him noticing.

i don't need to explain what happened in the bell test because we all know its result. y/n watched, amazed as sasuke offered his food to the yellow haired boy, naruto, telling his lovesick fangirl to do the same.

kakashi met her surprised gaze.

"YOU ALL!", he yelled, acting as angry as he could, making the three genin cower in fear. and then his face broke into a smile, "you pass!"

they sighed in relief.

"let's go y/n!", he called out and she walked towards the newly formed team 7. "hey! is that my book?"

"what book"

"i just saw it stop hiding it"

"i didn't take any book kakashi sensei", she smirked
"let's go sasuke!"

he nodded, walking towards her.

kakashi was left blushing yet again by the uchiha girl.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now