(xlix) madaraaaaa

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the shinobi alliance had gone to the dogs.

what y/n had done with the two thousand zetsu just a few hours earlier was being done to the entirety of the shinobi force.

and by none other than uchiha madara himself.

the five kage lay trembling before him. supposedly the strongest of each village. overpowered by one man. the reanimated legend.

shikaku-sama and inoichi had been martyred, leaving behind a broken shikamaru who lost his focus and will.

it was revealed that the man behind the mask was not actually madara but uchiha obito, kakashi's old teammate. also responsible for giving him his sharingan.

naruto, with his newly acquired kurama chakra mode, was currently taking rest as sakura healed him, trying to build up as much of his chakra as she could.

ten tails, with its hideous face and supreme power stood at the ready to kill everyone in one swell blow. a tailed beast bomb bigger than anyone had ever seen before.

shikamaru gritted his teeth and worked out a strategy. to get every shinobi there to do an earth style mud wall.

as everyone carried out his strategy, thanks to him, ino and the hidden stone shinobi, their defense still fell short. the power of juubi was far too much for anyone to handle.

it was now that the tailed beast bomb disappeared.

"w-what is happening?"

"am i late?", minato made his entrance

"hey dad", naruto waved, as if it was the most normal thing in the world

"dad?.", sakura thought, "lord fourth!"

"there's more help on the way", naruto said

just then, tobirama and hashirama showed up, along with hiruzen.

a sudden and much needed raise in morale could be seen. everyone was astonished and inspired that the previous hokage were all going to join them in the war.

"I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU HASHIRAMAAA", madara called out to his old arch-rival turned enemy.

hashirama looked at him. "i'll deal with you later"

madara's smile faded.

and just as suddenly, another surprise awaited everyone on the battle field. in particular, the konoha 11 as their estranged classmate showed up.

accompanying a flash of lightning, sasuke stood with his arms crossed. y/n was right next to him, her elbow lazily resting on his shoulder.

"y'all sure took your time getting here huh", naruto smiled

"sasuke....kun?", sakura stood there, speechless

"sakura, that you?", sasuke briefly turned to face her

"where's kakashi?", y/n asked, "i can't sense-"

"he....", sakura's voice trailed off

"sakura? where is he?", she asked

"no please, please don't be dead kakashi. don't you dare."

"kakashi sensei", naruto replied, "is in his kamui time-space"

"how do you know that naruto?", sakura asked

"cause i'm the one who sent him there, for starters"

"you what?!", y/n kneeled down to face him, "why?!"

"uchiha brat", naruto snapped, "it was crucial, don't you understand"

"naruto?", she looked at him doubtfully, "what.."

"it's kurama you imbecile", his tone sounded irritated, "can't you tell?"

"naruto can do that now?", she asked, "when did you two become so pally?"

"don't even ask", he grumbled, "anyway, kakashi isn't here"

"y/n sensei..", sakura put a hand on her shoulder, "he'll be okay"

"yeah he will", she nodded, clenching her fists, "he can't die"

naruto, sasuke and sakura stood together,
"okay, team 7 is back!"

as the original rookies of the leaf village put on a show, each and every one of them showing how much they had grown, y/n had other plans.

she boldly walked upto where madara was sitting alone in wait of hashirama. sharingan revealed, she stood before him to have a talk. uchiha to uchiha.

"sharingan?", madara questioned, "who the hell are you?"

"i'm nobody", she said, not caring about the consequences of what she was going to say, "you on the other hand..."

she paused, "are an asshole"

"do you realise who you're talking to?", he replied angrily

"perfectly", she said, "why would you do this?"

"happiness is an illusion", madara said, "the world is full of pain"

"totally haven't heard that before", y/n rolled her eyes. apparently she was more hormonal than she thought, lashing out in this manner instead of being calm and collected.

"you know i could kill you whenever i liked right?", he asked, as if amused and fascinated

"then why won't you?", she questioned provocatively

"first i'll fight hashirama. by then, if ten tails hasn't destroyed everything, i will personally kill you", he grinned

"bold of you to assume that you won't be dead by then", she provoked him further

"it would be dreadful if you were all bark and no bite, eh?", he snorted, "or maybe you're in denial of the fact that the world is full of nothing but misery. wouldn't you rather see everyone you've lost once again in your life at least?"

"no i wouldn't", she lied

"you won't know that they're not real you young, naive uchiha", he smirked, "and it's not as if you can do anything to stop what's coming. don't worry, it'll be painless. soon, you'll be in your ideal world. both, you and your child."

"oh my fucking god does EVERYONE know i'm pregnant?!", she yelled

"i mean i just sensed the chakra you can calm down now", madara shook his head

"well since you know, what kind of mother would i be if i didn't try to save the world that my kid was gonna be born into"

"why don't you understand? this world is beyond repair. it's not worth saving. you should be thankful to me. you all should, because i'm the true saviour of the shinobi world. the actual.... god of shinobi"

he looked at her in anticipation of whether she was convinced by his words.

"hey madara, here's a hand sign for you", she said, walking away and holding up a middle finger.

so listen i think i'll end the war arc here because i won't be able to write the kaguya part properly and plus i don't like kaguya also so there will be just a small time-skip.

i just wanted to include a conversation with madara because i'm low-key obsessed with him🤧🤧

also, next chapter will be posted next year. so happy holidays everyone, i hope next year is better than this year, have a great one🥳

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