(liii) the next hokage

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"ikashi sakumo hatake"

(i looked it up to make sure the name has meaning. and it does. it means 'shining')

"ikashi... hmm", tsunade looked at the baby, actually going soft for a second, "hi ikashi"

kakashi slowly let y/n lay back on the bed and walked towards the infant.

"tch, kakashi, y/n gets to see him first. she did do all the work after all.", tsunade walked right past him, allowing y/n to hold the tiny human for just a few moments.

"hi", y/n whispered, leaning down with some effort to kiss the top of his head, "hi baby"

kakashi came back to her side, inhaling sharply at the sight. it was real. he had someone that he loved that didn't leave him. he got to be happy.

y/n giggled, "don't you wanna meet him?"

he smiled, kissing her cheek before taking the baby from her arms carefully.

"it's high time i ask her"

two months later

"all the preparations are done", sakura said, looking around the terrace

"and y/n sensei?", naruto asked

"she's still with ika-chan", she replied, "i think it's shikamaru's turn to babysit today"

back at the house, y/n was adjusting her jonin vest when she heard a crying sound from behind her for the tenth time that day. she turned around hurriedly, lifting up the baby in her arms.

"bruh how much can a little baby like you cry", she whispered, and he fell quiet, lightly cooing. the faint sound of the front door closing was heard and she walked out of her room.


"shhh", she silenced shikamaru, who had just walked in through the door, "or he's gonna start crying again"

he nodded, taking ika into his arms cautiously. once again the front door opened and this time someone else walked in.

"hi ika", kakashi whispered to the baby, who held out his hand, grabbing kakashi's whole finger with it. he refused to let go of it for a few seconds and in those few seconds kakashi literally melted.

he turned to y/n, "let's go?"

she nodded before turning to shikamaru, "thanks bro"

"go fast, i'll be there soon"

they walked out of the house when she stopped him, pulling him into a corner, adjusting his kimono that had "sixth hokage" embroidered on it. "are you ready?"

"i am", he nodded, giving her a quick peck

"how do you feel? nervous?"

"surprisingly, i don't", he intertwined his fingers with hers

"okay then", she looked at him, the pride visible in her eyes, "let's go"

they began to walk towards the hokage's building when kakashi suddenly took a sharp turn, walking in another direction.

"kakashi?", she asked, bewildered, "where..."

she decided to go with it, and they ended up at training grounds. no one was there at the time, because everyone was waiting in front of the hokage's office for the official ceremony.

"why..", she looked around before looking at kakashi, who had a small black box in his hand. her heartbeat suddenly sped up in realisation.


"what?!", he protested, "i didn't even say anything yet"

"YES", she raised her voice, grinning

"at least let me ask you properly, i do have a lot to say ya know", he pouted

"awww okay proceed", she chuckled

"for a major part of my life, i was alone. and i hid behind a mask", he smiled, "both literally and figuratively. and well, at some point along the way, i accepted that this was how life was supposed to be for me."

he tightened his grip on her hand.

"of course, then i met you. and i suddenly realised how lonely i was before you came along. without noticing, you made me feel again. i let you into my world and then you became it."

his words warmed her heart.

"we're here because these training grounds are where it all started. it's here that i realised you were gonna be a phenomenal shinobi. it's where i first realised i was in love with you. not to mention, it's where you almost killed a girl out of jealousy"

she giggled as she playfully punched his arm.

"i didn't know i could love someone so much. and now i can't imagine not loving you. so, uchiha y/n", he finally opened the little black box to reveal a gorgeous ring. "marry me"

stunned for a few seconds, she felt her eyes well up again.

she gave him a teary smile, "well i already said yes so-"

she blinked them away hurriedly, pulling his mask down before crashing her lips into his. he kissed back, lifting her up and making her gasp into the kiss.

pulling away, she chuckled, "when did you even buy the ring?"

"before the war", he said, transferring the diamond onto her finger, "i meant to ask you long back"

"well better late than never", she giggled, but then her smile suddenly disappeared, "KAKASHI YOU HAVE TO GO BE THE HOKAGE YOU'RE LATE"

she grabbed his hand as they ran across the village, and they laughed along the way as they pictured tsunade's face at them being late.

about twenty minutes later, kakashi walked to the edge of the terrace of the hokage's office, tipping the ceremonial hat that was just handed to him.

"i now pronounce kakashi hatake as the sixth hokage of konohagakure", tsunade said. cheers rang out throughout the crowd below.

"wow kid", shikamaru held ika, who was giggling right now and looking downright adorable, "it must be a drag to have your dad be the hokage huh"

"WHY WERE YOU LATE KAKASHI?!", the sannin yelled after the ceremony was over, "WE WERE WAITING"

"to quote the love of my life, 'better late than never'", he grinned

she pointed to her ring finger, flaunting the ring that adorned it to tsuna.

"WHAT REALLY?!", tsunade showed some excitement before pouting stubbornly, "even so, it's not a proper excuse for you to be late"

"well to quote my hot fiancé", y/n emphasised, "sorry we got lost on the path of life"

i really love this chapter a lot for some reason :,)

guys the book reached 67k 😳✋

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