(li) the irritating elders

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three months later

"what the hell, you don't have to keep bringing things to me", y/n scolded the dogs running around the apartment, "i can fucking walk"

"sorry, boss's orders", biscuit said, "we're not supposed to let you get up"

"bruh i'm your boss too. you don't remember our contract biscuit?!", she protested

"don't get influenced by her", pakkun warned, "stay focused"

"shut up pakkun", she rolled her eyes before staring blankly at the ceiling, "ugh even i wanna go on a mission"

just then, the doorbell rang.

"ha-ha", she mocked, "now i have to get up cause y'all can't open a door"

she got up from where she was sitting, feeling stiff from not moving for sometime and finally opened the door.

"shikamaru!", she waved, "come in, come in"

"you look like hell", he remarked, walking into the house. "hi kakashi's dogs"

"yo nara boy", pakkun said

"anyway", he turned his focus back to y/n, "you have to come to see the feudal lord with me"

"why?", she asked, not that she was complaining

"the elders apparently called the meeting"

"ugh i hate them", she groaned as she walked towards her room, "okay give me like five minutes"

she hurriedly washed her face and wore a fresh pair of clothes before walking out of the house. her speed was much lesser than usual, since she'd gained some weight. it's not an exaggeration to say she hated being freaking pregnant.

it changed everything. she couldn't go on missions, her usual strength was now diminished by a lot which she hated, not to mention she freaked out whenever she thought about what it would be like when the baby was actually here.

"you need some help?", shikamaru asked, watching her struggle trying to put on a jacket.

"no i can handle it", she refused stubbornly, when he came up behind her and helped her anyway.

"there", he said, "now let's go"

"i'm pathetic", she groaned, "i used to be able to fight armies on my own and now i can't wear a damn jacket"

"you guys do have it worse", he agreed

"you have no idea", she muttered as they approached the feudal lord's office.

they entered, beginning to walk up stairs when y/n felt two arms wrap around her waist from behind.

"what the-", she was ready to throw hands when she turned around to face none other than her dumb baby daddy. "when did you get back?!"

"what are you doing out of bed?", he asked, intertwining his hands with hers, "how are you? how do you feel? do you wanna go see tsunade-sama? can you walk up the stairs? do you want me to carry you? fuck it, i should carry you-"

"KAKASHI STOP", she hid a smile as she put an end to his rambling, "it's cute that you're so worried but i'm honestly fine"

"okay", he sighed, "i'm still helping you up the steps tho"

"as you wish", she grinned.

after much effort, they appeared before the elders.

"what is this about?", y/n asked

"who called her here?", koharu asked, narrowing her eyes at the uchiha

"woah what's with the icy tone?!", she wondered

"i did", everyone turned to see tsunade also join the meeting

"why?", the old woman questioned scornfully

"because this concerns her as well", the sannin said firmly

"this meeting is regarding the candidacy for the next hokage", homura said

"what do you mean next?", y/n looked confusedly at tsunade, "why?"

"i'm stepping down", she replied, "it's high time"

"we all agree", homura continued, "the most suitable person for the position is hatake kakashi"

"with all due respect", kakashi interrupted, "i have priorities right now"

"what's a bigger priority than the stability of the village?", koharu asked

"i'm gonna be a father soon", he said as politely as possible, turning briefly towards y/n, "and i would like if you could respect that"

"are you rejecting the position?", homura asked

"this is outrageous!", koharu said, "not following your duties as a shinobi and for what? because of some illegitimate child with some former student of yours?"

y/n froze.

"is that what people think of me? some girl he knocked up?"

"just in case you weren't aware", tsunade interrupted sharply, "the two of them have been in a relationship for more than a year now"

"is that so?", she replied in a disinterested manner, "well, i don't approve either way. she's practically a child compared to you"

"a child with more power than you could imagine", tsunade warned, "she's an s-rank ninja you old hag"

"a child nonetheless"

"what would you know about love?", tsunade retorted, "you'd think after all this time you would've changed. you never approved of me and dan either"

y/n had been silent all this time, grateful that tsunade was defending her. she turned slowly to see kakashi's expression. she knew that if it came to it, he would rise to the occasion and accept the job. that's just the kind of person he was.

now, y/n had only seen kakashi angry a handful of times. and as it turned out, this was going to be one of those.

"remind me again why you're not dead yet?", kakashi asked bluntly, earning a gasp from homura, "oh right, cause you suck the life out of every room you're in"

tsunade and shikamaru stifled a laugh at his comment. even the feudal lord let out a soft chuckle.

"how dare you-"

"it's my girlfriend, my child, my life. who the hell do you think you are, interfering?", he questioned

"kakashi-", y/n held his arm, "it's okay. we'll manage, even if you become the hokage."

he relaxed a bit at her touch, thinking for a few seconds more calmly. and then he began speaking.

"i apologise", he said monotonously, "but here is my compromise. i will take over after my child is born."

"i accept that", tsunade said

"are you sure?", y/n asked him, "you can take over now and i won't have any problem with it you know"

"i know you hate this", he said, "you hate not going on missions and sitting home endlessly. i can't even relate to what you're going through so the least i can do is help you through it."

she smiled at him, turning back to face the now dumbfounded elders.

they remained silent.

"okay then", the feudal lord said, "i name hatake kakashi as the sixth hokage of konohagakure"

hello hello everyone, thanks for voting, i ended up being ranked #3 in fanfiction yesterday😭😭😭😭

like, really thank you everyone who is still reading <3

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