(iv) truth

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y/n woke up groggily to see herself in an unknown location. upon second glance she found out it was the leaf village hospital. she couldn't remember how she got there. and then it hit her.

just then a medic ninja walked in through the door.

"how are you feeling now?", she asked, helping her sit up in bed. y/n sprang out of bed, to her surprise.

"i really don't think-"

"i have to go see lord hokage. now.", she said before storming out of the building.

she ran to the hokage's quarters to see him at the top of the building with another person that she couldn't quite place.

"lord hokage!", she said, her voice ice cold, as she stepped on the terrace. he looked at her, his face covered in guilt and pity.

"uchiha y/n", he said slowly. she now noticed the person standing beside him. he was one she'd heard about a lot but never actually interacted with.

kakashi, the copy ninja. she could tell by his silver hair. he looked at her, surprised.

noticing the tension in the air, kakashi quickly took his leave.

"i'm sorry.. for your loss", the third hokage said

"spare me your pitying glance", she said, "did itachi kill everyone of his own accord?"


"or was he ordered to do so?", she asked bluntly

"he did it on his own for unknown reasons", he replied, cursing himself internally.

"how can you expect me to believe you when you don't believe yourself, hokage-sama?"

"this is how he wants to be remembered, y/n. as the traitor who killed his clan and abandoned his village."

"and you let him?", she said quietly, making his guilt increase. "one great hokage you are"

"i don't know how to ease your pain, y/n. if there's anything i can do..."

"YOU CAN TELL ME WHO GAVE THE FUCKING ORDER", she yelled, hatred consuming her.

"what order?", he said calmly

"you wouldn't give it", she said sharply, "it was danzo-sama, wasn't it?"

"UCHIHA Y/N", he suddenly raised his voice, "your friend and comrade itachi is a rogue ninja now. and he committed a gruesome, terrible act for which he will pay. wrap your head around it!"

"i will uncover the truth someday. mark my words.", she said, her sharingan awakening to form a spiral pattern. he looked astonished at her eyes but said nothing. more crucial matters were at hand.

"where are you going now?", he asked, "leaving the village?"

"i'm no traitor. i'm a shinobi of the village hidden in the leaves.", she affirmed briskly, "and that will never change. i'm a chunin and one of the last of my clan. rest assured."

lord hokage stood there, amazed at her integrity and the maturity she displayed, considering she was only 13. his need to punish danzo for giving the order intensified.

she left the building, beginning to walk back to the hospital when she bumped into someone. it was kakashi from earlier.

"i apologise", she said indifferently.

"no no it was my fault", he replied

she nodded before leaving.

age: 16- present day

"y/n!", a voice made her turn around.

"hokage-sama has summoned you", the ninja that had just walked in said

"but i just got back from a mission", she groaned, getting up

walking into the office of hiruzen sarutobi, she bowed.

"yes lord third?", she said

"good work on the B rank mission y/n", he said

she nodded, giving a slight smile. she had handled grief the best that anyone could expect her to. and had turned into a capable shinobi. she was both well known and determined.

"how is sasuke doing?", he asked

"he's good. he's top of his class at the academy. clearly he inherited the uchiha intelligence"

"good. getting to why i called you here. i have a mission for you. i know you just got back."

"it's okay", she nodded, "what's the mission?"

"grave robbery", he said

her eyes widened. "why would someone rob graves?"

"the motive is unknown. i need you to track down one of them which might be in the hidden mist village."

"is it a solo mission?", she asked. she'd been on a few easy solo missions so far and had succeeded in almost all.

"i'm sending a jonin with you."


"you called, hokage-sama?", a voice from behind them interrupted.

"yes kakashi. you're late."

"sorry i got lost on the path of life"

this is where the story ACTUALLY starts.

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