(xxvi) it's rude to stare

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"you're mine", kakashi whispered, pulling her into a kiss again.

this kiss was more intense, and y/n found herself tempted to slip her tongue into his mouth. but he beat her to it.

lemon warning

she moaned slightly, beginning to move her hips against him. he pulled away from the kiss briefly, breathing heavily before shifting his lips to her neck.
he sucked on it aggressively, making her gasp at the sensation.

"ka...kashi", she moaned, as his hands shifted to her top, taking it off. she did the same, pulling his shirt over his head. she admired his incredibly toned torso for a few seconds, biting her lip.

his hand found her ass, caressing it lightly before suddenly giving it a squeeze.

"ah what the-", she was interrupted by a harsh slap coming down on her ass.

"it's rude to stare, y/n", kakashi mocked, smirking. his hand stayed where it was, threatening to spank her again.

surprised by his sudden dominance, y/n pushed him, hoping to make him lay back on the bed but he didn't budge. instead he came down on her ass again.

"did you think that was gonna work?", he asked in a rather husky voice

"apparently not, kakashi-sensei", the last word came out as almost a whisper, making the copy ninja go crazy. he grabbed her hips, flipping her over and pinning her to the bed.

"oh now you've really done it y/n"

he kissed her neck again, more aggressively, leaving marks as he did. his kisses trailed down, stopping at her abs for a few seconds before reaching her inner thigh. he undid her pants, pulling them off to reveal her panties that had soaked through.

"so wet for me huh y/n?", he asked, looking up at her

"kakash- ahh!", she moaned as he ran his tongue up her clit, using his hands to spread her legs apart more.

he continued to lick for a bit before inserting his tongue in her, earning another prolonged moan from her. the moans intensified when he replaced his tongue with his fingers, sending two into her.

"that feel good?", he asked, pumping the fingers in and out of her. she nodded shakily, covering her mouth with the back of her hand to make her moans softer.

he added another finger and she felt a knot form in her stomach, building up to a familiar sensation.

"shit, i'm gonna-", y/n struggled to complete her sentence as she was driven over the edge, releasing on his fingers. he came back up to face her, kissing her yet again.

desperate to feel him inside of her she pulled down his sweatpants, revealing his extremely hard dick.

"shit he's bigger than asuma"

"oof y/n so eager", he lined himself at her entrance before sliding his tip in slowly.

"oh fuck", she breathed, feeling herself adjust to his size

he went in harder, pushing himself completely in. she practically screamed because of his size, but giving him a nod of approval anyway. he began moving.

slowly at first. but when he picked up the pace oh my god.

"how are you so tight", he groaned, pulling out slowly before slamming back in.

"ah KAKASHI!", she yelled, as he moved much faster than he was, reaching deep into her with every thrust.

"oh god, y/n", he groaned, feeling himself slowly get close to coming.

he went faster, putting one of her legs over his shoulder to reach deeper into her. before y/n knew it, she felt her orgasm approach again.

"oh fuck. fuck", she cursed as she came for the second time.

his thrusts soon hastened, and he pulled out, releasing over her thighs. he collapsed beside her, panting not from lack of stamina but rather from processing what had just happened.

y/n picked up the book that lay at the corner of the bed.

"better than the book right?", she asked, running her fingers through his hair

"definitely better than the book"

yooo sorry for the late update i had a bit of writer's block.

anyway hope you enjoyed the smut

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