(vi) kamui

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"what do you mean he's gonna train me?", y/n asked the hokage

after the massacre of the clan, she'd only trained alone. she figured out how to harness and control her power without much guidance. but the power of her mangekyou sharingan was something she didn't know much about, and one she rarely needed to utilise. nevertheless, she couldn't turn down the hokage's command. so she nodded.

"y/n", the copy ninja walked into the room

"kakashi-sensei", she nodded

"you told her", he looked at the hokage.


"let's go then", he told her.

they reached an empty training ground. kakashi lifted up his leaf headband to reveal his sharingan eye and stood at a fighting stance.

"what i wanna do first is measure the extent of your power.", he said

"okay", she nodded, also standing at an offensive stance as her sharingan awakened.

"attack me"

no sooner had he said that than she was running towards him, ready to showcase her skill.

a few hours later

f/n still stood her ground, even though her legs hurt and she had depleted a great amount of her chakra. she had heard of the greatness of kakashi the copy ninja but never experienced it first hand as his opponent. it was not something to be taken lightly.

despite sharingan being a power he didn't possess by birth, he handled it effortlessly, maybe even better than actual uchihas.

but y/n wasn't a weak opponent. dodging her continued attacks had taken quite a bit of effort on his part, which surprised him since she was significantly younger than him.

"y/n! i think that's enough for today", he called out

"yes sensei", she said, letting her exhaustion hit her as she sat down. kakashi went and sat in front of her.

"let's reflect on what we did today, okay?", he said


"first off: you can use both wind and fire style which is great. you can control your sharingan effectively."

"wait- how do you know i use wind style?", she asked. she hadn't ever used it in front of him.

"well let's see- i was at your chunin exam when you used it."

"really?", she asked looking up. she looked back down as the memories of itachi and shisui began to run through her head. as though he sensed this, kakashi changed the topic.

"moving on, your movements can still improve. it's not that they're bad, i just think you can refine them more. that will help you save some chakra."

"yes sensei", she said, relieved at the change of topic.

"is there anything that you think you should work on?" he asked

she paused, unsure about whether or not to reveal what she was going to reveal.

"there is one thing", she replied quietly

"what would that be?"

she concentrated a bit on her eyes as he watched her awaken mangekyou sharingan. his eye widened in confusion and surprise.

"you wouldn't happen to know anything about this would you?", she asked hesitantly

"okay", he took a deep breath. "what i'm about to show you is for your eyes only."

she nodded. it's not like she talked to a lot of people. he lifted up his headband again. and slowly, his red eye too formed a black pattern.

y/n's eyes lit up at this. "so- so you too huh"

he nodded. "but all mangekyou aren't the same. each eye has its own set of unique abilities. we don't know yours yet."

"for example?"

"okay throw that kunai at me", he directed. she followed. kakashi accumulated his chakra.

she threw the kunai his way, and just before it hit him, it disappeared into thin air.

"guess what the power is", he said, meaning to test her analytical skills

"either particle style or inter dimensional teleportation. i think it's the latter though, because particle style has a distinct white light that i didn't see with your jutsu."

"correct. it's an ability by the name kamui.", he said panting. using kamui even once took a great toll on his body.

"hmm", she nodded

"your teammate shisui had an ability called kotoamatsukami", he said

her stomach sank upon hearing his name. but at the same time, she was curious about this ability that she didn't know about.

"what's kotoamatsukami?"

"one of the most powerful genjutsus in the history of the shinobi world. it has the power to manipulate someone without the victim ever realising that he's being manipulated."

she clenched her jaw as she heard about him. it still hurt. his death affected her more than the death of the whole clan. and to find out how much of his potential was wasted only added to her pain.

"he really was something, wasn't he?", y/n finally said, sighing.

"did you know him well?", he asked

"better than you might think"

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now