(xlii) allied shinobi forces

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"what the fuck how much did i miss while i was out?", y/n complained, eating her eighth bowl of ramen. somehow being out for a week had really helped her appetite.

"ah let's see", kakashi began, " sasuke joined the freaking akatsuki and tried to capture the younger brother of the raikage, that rapper dude killer bee. he's the eight tails jinchuriki."

"oh wait i know him. i met him on a mission this one time with a friend", y/n recalled

"you have a friend in the hidden cloud village?", kakashi raised an eyebrow

"yes. anyway continue"

"also a guy in a mask with no warning told everyone itachi's back story. and also declared war on the shinobi world."

"what the fuck who was the guy?"

"uchiha", he said, meeting her surprised gaze, "madara"

"THE madara?", she fearfully whispered, "but that's not possible"

"that's what we thought too", kakashi said, "but why would he just claim that out of nowhere?"

the conversation was interrupted when someone else walked through the hospital room door.

"tsunade-sama!", y/n gave her a closed eye smile

she didn't say a word, just came and hugged her.

"what the hell were you thinking, going and dying?!", she scolded

"i'm here now, aren't i?", y/n giggled

"IT'S NOT FUNNY", she pouted, "how do you feel??"

"i'm back to normal. we're actually leaving the hospital now.", she replied, "we should be preparing for war"

"oh right, that's actually why i came here", tsunade looked at kakashi and then at her

"huh?", kakashi questioned

"tomorrow, there will be a meeting between the five kage and a few select shinobi in the hidden cloud village. you two are to accompany me along with nara shikaku and his son."

they nodded, "okay"

she left, stopping at the door, "good to have you back y/n"

she gave her a warm smile, "you too tsunade-sama. oh wait, before i forget.."


"jiraiya-sensei misses you"

tsunade sharply turned to look at her in shock. but then she smiled lightly.

no other words were exchanged.

"jiraiya-sensei?", kakashi asked

"i saw him. while i was gone i mean.", y/n explained

"really?!", he exclaimed

"he kept checking me out. it was funny actually", she giggled but stopped when she saw his unimpressed face.

"intriguing", he said in the most dry voice in the world

"what are you, jealous?"

"he hit on my girlfriend while she was dead. the betrayal.", he shook his head

"but i'm not dead anymore", she sighed, "i'm here"

"okay", kakashi held out a hand. she took it and when she stood up he hugged her again.

she hugged him back. "you were really worried weren't you?"

"you think?", he rested his chin on top of her head. and then pulled away.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now