(xxxiv) hanare

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"fucking useless", y/n muttered as the mission came to a close

"who?", kakashi asked. he knew it took a toll on y/n, every time she saw itachi. and this time was no different. even though the mission was a success, she hated every minute of it but sucked it up because personal feelings and missions don't mix.

"no nothing", she mumbled, not wanting to make a big scene of her anger.

they reached the village.

"y/n sensei!", naruto called, "let's go to ichiraku's!"

y/n nodded hesitantly, accepting the invitation. they began to walk when kakashi called naruto back.

"i have to go to hokage-sama now but please try to cheer her up", he requested, "she's in a bad mood"

naruto nodded, "got it kakashi sensei!"

they went and sat down on two stools, calling for their usual order. naruto tried to engage y/n in a conversation but she didn't seem to feel very chatty.

a lady with dull green hair came and sat down next to them. she wore a ninja headband too, which had the symbol of a different village on it.

naruto's gaze fell on her. she looked familiar but he couldn't place her.

"you.... i know you", naruto said

y/n turned to see the woman near them. she smiled at naruto. "long time no see naruto-kun"

"uhhhh", y/n looked at them in confusion

"OH!", suddenly naruto seemed to recollect. he blurted without thinking, "you're the lady that kissed kakashi sensei all those years ago!"

y/n didn't think she was the jealous type. more accurately put, she hadn't realised she was because she didn't have anyone to be jealous of.

"so you do remember me", she said and giggled

"yes yes", naruto turned to y/n, "y/n sensei this is hanare-san"

but he cowered in fear when he saw y/n's face.

thoughts ran in her head as her face went red with rage.

"kakashi?? kissed?? her?? she?? saw?? his?? face??"

the spoon y/n was holding was now bent out of shape. her sharingan awakened, not that she was aware of it.

"y/n sensei?", naruto asked cautiously, staring at the disfigured spoon and her eyes, he whispered "sh-sharingan. your sharingan"

y/n hurriedly hid her eyes, reverting them to normal. her face broke into an eerie smile. "nice to meet you, hanare-chan"

hanare nodded, apparently not noticing the annoyed tone in her voice.

"nice to meet you too. so naruto, where's kakashi?", she blushed just a bit, "i was... hoping to see him again"

"y/n sensei where's kakashi sensei?", he asked, oblivious of the suggestive tone of hanare's voice. suddenly he seemed to forget that Y/N WAS LITERALLY KAKASHI'S GIRLFRIEND.

"i have no idea", y/n said in monotone, sending a disinterested glare in hanare's direction before leaving.

"y/n!", ichiraku yelled, "who's going to pay for the damage to my spoon?"

"later", she said, walking away. she just happened to bump into someone else.

"damn", shikamaru said, looking at her, "who pissed you off?"

y/n maintained a calm expression. "i'm not pissed what makes you think i'm pissed?"

"uh...", he pointed to her eyes, "because sharingan is activated?"

"ugh damn it", she deactivated it again, her anger breaking through the cracks of her calm facade.

"so what happened?", shikamaru asked, "kakashi sensei?"

y/n was about to reply when hanare came up behind her.

"once again, hello y/n-chan", hanare said, smiling lightly

"this girl is testing my patience on the wrong day"

"hanare-chan", she forced a smile out

"i was looking for kakashi, have you seen him?"

"uh actually he's gone to see the hokage", she replied

hanare's lips curled into a smile. maybe y/n was too angry to notice but her smile definitely was not genuine.

"oh i see", she said, "it's been a long time since we last met"

"yeah tell me again how you know kakashi?", y/n asked

"she's from some random small village i wonder if anyone will notice if i kill her"

"well we met once when we were young. and then this other time when i was a spy for the jomaē village."

"ohhh i see", y/n wondered. she took a kunai out in a flash, placing it at her neck, "don't move"

hanare, taken aback by her breathtaking speed didn't know how to react. "i'm n-not a spy anymore", she stuttered

"i mean, no one is stupid enough to say they were a spy if they're still a spy right?", y/n thought, slowly drawing the kunai away

"kakashi will be here in a bit i think"

"does my hair look okay?", hanare asked

"sure", y/n paused, "just so you know, kakashi's dating someone"

"oh i know that", hanare's expression became cold, "some uchiha. i wonder what he sees in her."

y/n's patience was hanging on by a dangerously thin thread now.

"no idea", she replied, playing along

hanare sighed dreamily. "i still remember when we first met. as if it was yesterday".

"is that so?", y/n said sarcastically

"anyway i'm sure this uchiha girl is no big deal"

"yes she doesn't seem to be", she agreed with her lol

"i'm sure i could even beat her in battle"

that did it for y/n. patience gone. only rage remained.

"i can ask her to battle you if you're so sure", y/n said, "you can really... show her then"

"really? you could do that?", she asked

"of course"

naruto joined them just then. "what did i miss?"

"im gonna have a battle with the uchiha girl", hanare

"but that's-", naruto began to speak but y/n clapped a hand over his mouth

"i'll ask her to meet you at one of our training grounds in an hour", she said, "naruto can you show her there?"

naruto groaned in confusion.

"alright y/n sensei"
istg i didn't even know this girl existed and then i found out from some meme and i was like HEH?!?!

WHO DARES TO TAKE MY MAN AWAY FROM ME BYE i'm writing about you now random filler character

bro i feel like i'm attracted to my hot physics teacher

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