(xlvii) reasons and revelations

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"talk to who?", kakashi asked

"i need to talk to sakura for a minute. you handle the division in the meantime", she said in an urgent tone

"what is it y/n sensei what's wrong?", sakura asked once he'd left, checking her pulse

"sakura i need you to check something for me", y/n said

"tell me"

y/n whispered something to her.

just for a few seconds she'd fainted, but someone else had appeared before her in that minuscule period of time.


y/n rubbed her eyes, trying to sit up when she sensed a familiar chakra.

"you're here", a voice called out to her. she turned to see who it was.

"ITACHI!", she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him desperately

"y/n", he mumbled, leaning into the hug. she opened her eyes to see shisui there as well.

"why am i in a genjutsu?", she asked. truth was she honestly didn't care how she got to see him alive as long as she did.

"i need to talk to you", he said

"of course", she sighed, "you were reanimated too huh"

"we don't have much time y/n", he said, "so listen to us carefully"

"tell me", she whispered, "what is it?"

"i met sasuke", he smiled, "and we broke the edo tensei"

"together?", she raised her eyebrows

"yes", he said, "and he's headed to orochimaru's nearest hideout right now"

"okay", she gulped, "what else?"

"i know what's been bothering you", he said

"how did you-"

"i told you your chakra seems different", shisui said, "i figured out why"

"y/n..... you're smart enough to figure this out", he said, "think over it calmly"

she closed her eyes, pondering over what it could be.

"why did my chakra deplete so much when i used susanoo? why did i take so much time to come back to life after rinne rebirth? why did my chakra seem different to shisui?"

her eyes opened wide, "do you mean to tell me... but i died didn't i? wouldn't it have died too?"

"the reason you took so long to wake up from pain's jutsu", itachi helped her get there, "you weren't the only one coming back to life"

"i would've seen the signs", y/n covered her face, apparently in denial by this crazy theory, "doesn't this kind of thing have very prominent symptoms?"

"there were signs y/n", shisui said, "try to remember"

"the changes in appetite", she said suddenly, "the sudden exhaustion, oh my god"

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋: 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now