(xvii) rant

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two weeks later

y/n walked over idly to one of the small pubs in konohagakure. she didn't drink very often, just when she felt like it. and with everything going on, she definitely felt like it today.

it was early. around 6 in the evening, when she began drinking. and before she knew it, she'd lost track of time and it was now dark. it was risky, because she had absolutely no filter when she was drunk.

she noticed someone come and take a seat next to her, calling for sake. a little tipsy now, she turned around.

it was a woman. beautiful by the looks of it, blonde hair, dressed in grey with a green cloak on top. she didn't notice the uchiha next to her.

"you're pretty", y/n blurted out without thinking, making the woman look at her, amused. y/n felt as though she'd definitely seen her before somewhere.

"thanks?", she replied

"you look.....familiar", she said

"really?", the blonde replied, drinking the sake that had been handed to her, "so what brings you here?"

"i live here", she replied, narrowing her eyes, "you tell me what brings YOU here"

the blonde was tempted to say exactly who she was, but decided to keep her identity hidden. "i'm originally from the village too."

"oooh. so why are you drinking?", y/n asked

"do i need a reason to drink?"

"well, always. for example, i'm drinking because my little brother is in the hospital and i can't do ANYTHING about it. and i may or may not be attracted to someone i can't have", she ranted mindlessly, finishing the last of her drink before calling for one more.

"well this got interesting quickly", the stranger's eyes twinkled, "you're attracted to someone you can't have?"

"THAT's what you found interesting? hel-lo? did i mention where my brother is in the hospital?"

"oh don't you worry about that. it'll be okay", she replied, mentally noting that she'd go see this unnamed girl's brother. "so tell me about the guy you're attracted to"

"oh well he's amazing. everyone knows him. everyone loves him. it's impossible not to", she sighed, "and he's been through the most terrible things, and he still always smiles."

tsunade nodded, "wow you say you're just attracted to him, yet you act like you're head over heels"

"that's not true. it's not like i'm ever gonna tell him about it", she hiccuped, staring at the ceiling "wow i'm pathetic, aren't i? having girl talk with a stranger in a pub about my former sensei"

"former sensei? damn, i'm way too invested in this story now", the blonde said, laughing, "he's not too much older than you i hope"

y/n opened her mouth to say something when the glass accidentally slipped from the stranger's hand, causing it to break and the broken glass to form a cut on her hand.

the unknown person took her palm to her injured hand in order to heal herself but she saw that someone had beat her to it.

"here, let me", y/n said hastily, controlling her chakra and easily healing the wound on the stranger's hand.

the blonde was taken aback at this. did she really perfectly heal that cut all while being drunk? just who is this girl? "so you're a kunoichi then?", she asked slowly

y/n lazily nodded. "hmmmm"

"TSUNADE-SAMA!!!", a black haired woman walked into the pub, running to tsunade's side

"hmmmm so your name is tsunade-sama", y/n hummed drowsily, laying her head on the counter next to her drink. "i feel like i've heard that name before"

"oh look, it's shizune", tsunade told the woman that had just arrived

"hi shizune. wait who?", y/n waved shakily at her, grinning

shizune looked at the intoxicated girl in confusion before smiling politely "come on, tsunade-sama, time to go"

"ugh fine", tsunade pouted before turning to y/n, "it was nice to meet you....."

"uchiha y/n", she smiled while still leaning her head on the counter

"the uchiha girl?", shizune said, surprised

"the one and only", y/n slurred a bit, holding out a peace sign and awakening her sharingan for a few seconds

"i'll see you around", tsunade smirked before leaving

the next day

"so who is this new hokage?", y/n asked kakashi as they walked into the hokage's building

"one of the three sannin. apparently we're supposed to help her settle in as hokage.", he replied as they opened the door to the office, "tsunade senju"

y/n froze as a realisation struck her and she recalled the events of the previous night.

she entered the office to find the blonde woman she'd met.

"oh my god i'm dead"


this is funny idk

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